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You, Martins and the BAU come to an agreement over Reus - but you find out it's nothing like you'd envisioned it to be.


hey all!!! sry for being so late but was struggling a bit tryin to think where i want this story to head to - so i can wrap it up at some point
I wouldnt wanna prolong it so it becomes boring for u guys and u know, for me to feel like a chore.

but thnxxxx so much for the reads and comments!! i appreciate it so much!!

song title by the Beastie boys lmao


Jonathan Reus sits alone in the empty interrogation room. The only sign that he's restless is his slouching back, elbows leaning heavily over the table before him, and the deep dark circles under his eyes. They still, looking towards the one-way mirror, to where you stand. It's ridiculous but every move you make – although he cannot see – feels like the Mona Lisa, following you with his eyes even though he cannot possibly know you're here. Olivier walks out, the door shutting loudly behind him making you jump slightly. Martins at your right breaks the sullen silence.

"Agent Hotchner got him to admit all of the thefts." he says. You'd witnessed it too, but it hadn't been hard. Reus was quick to take credit.

His eyes are on you, but you can't stop staring at Reus, and at his hands. The image of his long fingers stretching forward the chain of his cuffs is etched in your brain. He would have killed the guard yesterday – not for any other reason than he could. He would have done the same with you too even if you hadn't stopped him.

"We are taking him back to the CIA headquarters" he says then and you snap towards him. The sun hasn't even risen properly over the horizon, the early hour making you tired to the bone.

"What?" you repeat again.

"I will continue my interrogation with him there. The papers have already been submitted-"

"Since we caught him?" you interrupt.

He nods. "The agreement was there since the start. We just needed confirmation from the head of NYPD"

Something Detective Parker probably resigned quickly after Reus almost killed his man and you – in his own building.

"However," he pauses, shoving his hands in his pockets, "You don't have to say goodbye to this-"

He watches your face, waiting for it to change. "-I've been delegated to offer you a position – you'd participate in the interrogation and later with the tracking of the individual I am trying to find"

He is offering you a job?

"You're offering me a job?"

"I wouldn't be your boss-" he says fast, the words tumbling from his mouth. And he has to know that that would be a decisive factor because you're more than surprised now. "But you won't be cleared for the relevant intel until you accept the position."

"What are you basing this off?"

He takes a deep breath as if he'd asked the same from his superiors to be given the same answer that he is relaying now:

"Your experience in Dallas; being a sharpshooter; your experience at the BAU as a profiler and –" he pauses, turning to stare at Reus from the other side, "your interrogation skills. I think you can read him and there is already a rapport between you two." In a twisted sign of fate – Reus is helping your career.

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