Two Slow Dancers

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Your confrontation with Reus opens up new wounds - leaving you to recall your last moments with Revi. And, more than anything - you need Hotch's support.


in italics - flashbacks

TW: mention of abuse, mention of death, and blood,
and also TW: very mild very daring spice - aka. egg scrambling (which if you're reading it drunk out of your mind, will be kinda hot? ? idk),
(and maybe theres a praise kink sprinkled in there)
you'll see there's some inspiration from Pride and prejudice lmao - and also fyi im a huge fan of writing ridiculous/messy spicy scenes so

title from the song from queen Mitski, although the meaning is definitely different


Well, that was eventful"

You turn to the voice behind you sensing the smile accompanying his words. And sure enough, he is –

Tall and lanky and donning blue-light glasses that he uses whenever he sits in front of a screenhe's smirking at you mischievously.

"Please" you say, keeping your voice flat, "don't start"

"I didn't say anything" he says, raising his hands up.

" Ronin"

He shakes his head – you never called him by his first name unless he was doing, had done, or was thinking of doing something bad.

"So, maybe I did tell Aria about that programme" he says at last.

You roll your eyes, "I'm not going to travel all the way to Quantico just to follow some programme for a month"

He pulls the chair next to you and plops down on it, turning to face you.

"I think you'd be great at it" he says, taking his glasses off and casting them aside. "It's intensive, yes, but imagine how useful it would be to have a profilee in our unit"

Your eyebrows shoot up, " profiler?"

" Aria would lose her shit. She'd probably flaunt it to every unit around"

"A profiler?" you repeat again, "I never said I want to be a profiler"

He waves the words away as if they are flies in the air.

"I saw you on the field practically circling the BAU few years ago"

"Yes" you confirm, pushing yourself off the table and out of your chair, "because Aria requested, I be a spy for their unit."

He nods, already knowing this, and before he can continue, you add:

"She just wanted me to relay every single move SSA Hotchner was making-"

Ronin's smile changes in a blink, his eyebrows shooting up –

"You remember his name?"

You shake your head, and try to do the same with his words - to whatever he's already implying, and don't let it get to you.

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