things you shouldn't do

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Partnerships in the field change, and you and Hotch settle into an easy friendship.


Bonus chapter because I am starved for affection and hopefully this fixes it.
Quick and cute camaraderie moment! :)

"Plans for the weekend?" David Rossi asks as the three of you approach the SUV, and you still don't tear your eyes away from Morgan shoving the unsub, cuffs at the hands behind his back, in the police car. He nods at you all, and Hotch nods back.  

You let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding, since the team and the SWAT had rushed into this half-torn two-stories house at a dead-end street in Ohio. The women kidnapped had been all fine, luckily. And luck didn't really run too often in your line of work. Which makes you happy for the first time in 2 months now, since all the recent cases had been not as successful. Which prompts Rossi's question. The SWAT team and their van leaves second, after the police car with the unsub is followed by Morgan and Reid in an SUV of theirs.  

"Feels like I want to take out Garcia for a lobster dinner at La Cambre and buy her the most expensive wine on the menu", you joke, as you open the door and sit on the back of the car. 

Rossi chuckles at that and it garners a tight-lipped smile out of Hotch too. 

"If she's free this last minute, obviously", you say as you hook the seatbelt on. 

Hotch turns the ignition on. 

"She really does deserve it." Rossi admits.  

This unsub, oh man, had been all over the map and was about to devolve quick, before any of you had anticipated him to do so. Yet Garcia had found an almost invisible trail on the videos of the women he'd kidnapped, and that was just after her 11th recheck of the files. She was meticulous. You owed this success entirely to her, as she'd forward an address just as fast. All of you had then torn open the door of his house, closed the exits and retrieved the girls, alive and well.  

"You, Rossi?" 

You catch his reflection on the sideview mirror, as Hotch turns the SUV to follow the line of police cars going back to the precinct.  

"I have a live music show to attend" he says, smiling, dimples on his face. 

"Ooh," you coo raising your eyebrows, knowing exactly which music show he's referring to. You weren't about to admit it though that your friend Amelia had told you about her event at the jazz club "La Blue Rose" and you'd urged her to invite Rossi out first.  

"Yes, yes. I'm halfway into convincing Hotch here to come with." he turns to look at his friend and Hotch shakes his head. 


"I'm waiting for what excuse you are going to offer me this time", he says and crosses his arms.  

They do seem like an old married couple, you think, and smile to yourself.  

"It's not an excuse, Dave." 

You look out your window, at the line of houses passing by fast as the car drives through the suburbs.  

"It is if it's half-assed" 

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