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A sudden development in the case sends you flying back to your origins - Dallas.


ya girl is back! new chapter here and a new story that is bound to be rom-com levels of ridiculous ! (bcs im on vacation at last!)

and this chapter is not my best ngl ngl! it was written in a rush and i intended to keep the action to max so the case could finally end and give yall a BREAK BUT somehow hotch got in there (idk idk how 🤪) so ya kno...
TW: mild, somehow romantic spice... from a distance

(also if u see grammar errors or sth weird - no u dont 🤪)


"What's got you all up in a twist?"

Martins has a stack of folders balanced in his hands as he follows you inside the conference room where many of his other operatives wait.

You huff out in response, "I don't enjoy working on weekends." Nor do you enjoy working with criminals, but you don't say the latter.

"Thought this was a usual ritual of yours at the dear Behavior Analysis Unit" he raises a brow at you, face in mock sympathy, "Wasn't expecting you to complain about working overtime."

"Well, I'm not on a private jet right now, am I?" you take the first seat on the right of the table, leaving Martins his usual spot at the head.

"Funny you say that" there's a Cheshire cat smile splitting his face but before you can ask what he's on about, he dumps the folders over the table with a loud thud, disrupting the chatters between the others.

"We've got a lead from Reus. His friend, Aleksi Petrov, the man we have been looking for six months, has a couple of preferred locations, all in Texas, Dallas." He pushes a folder your way. "A team of operatives already on the field have caught sight of him going about his life as normal. The plan is to be stealthy - arrive on location and arrest him before it is too late. The rest of you will remain here to coordinate with the forces on ground. Operative Y/LN and I will fly out in an hour to join the team there."

You register his words and the information on paper as you flip through it all but you're still surprised by the sudden change of plans. Your eyes are quick to catch a name: Boris Gov, listed as a known associate to Aleksi Petrov. You keep your face steeled of any reactions even as the man at your side continues watching you like a hawk.

"Sounds good?"

You shrug, "I guess I cannot complain over the jet now, can I? I don't fly commercial, just so you know." He smiles in response.


An hour and a half later and enclosed in a private plane with Martins alone isn't any better than being around him in the office. Still, you try to make the best of it. That, unfortunately, does not include texting your boyfriend, Hotch, since the other man sits opposite you, and can clearly see whatever you're doing on the phone.

You should have been less formal - you realize. You should have used strange, ridiculous names to save his name on your phone and not just Aaron Hotchner. The one disadvantage insofar you've found of dating a coworker/ boss: you're never allowed to write his name as boyfriend or partner or whatever else. You could but how weird would it be if the situation was different: someone asks you to talk to your unit chief and they see instead the billion heart emojis and the other person making you this fantasy request would be left confused.

"Y/N" Martins lets out and flicks through another page of his notes, "I don't want to sound like a jerk but you've been huffing and puffing for thirty minutes now."

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