Saw You in a Dream

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The team is tired after a long case - and you share a room with Hotch.

TW: mention of weed


Because I watched Fleabag last night and couldn't stop thinking of the hot priest

"Think we should call it a night" Rossi says, and gives you a strange look. You blink. Your wondering mind had fixated on a point in space, then blanked out, and it had happened to be where David Rossi was sitting. His eyebrows go up and you lean back on your seat.

A mug of steaming hot tea is left before you on the table, large hand coming to unwrap around it and you look up, meeting Hotch's gaze. He looks more tired than the rest of you. As he sits down, he lets out a small huff like he's been punched in the gut. The more times go by at night the more involuntary noises there are from everyone. The other cup he offers to Reid who shakes his head in turn.

"Yes, I think that's the best idea so far" Hotch answers.

Emily is struggling to keep her eyes open on your other side. You can't help but fixate on her from time to time, still not believing that she's alive and real. An after-effect of Doyle's that you fear will remain for a long time.

JJ is right behind her, dozed off completely on the small couch of the office. Her light snoring has the opposite effect, making you feel drowsy as well. Making the entire office calm. She'd joined the BAU right away, after Emily, and her presence those first few months had been as comfortable as Emily's. Like two sides of the same coin. Derek pipes up, and stops spinning in his chair. He's been doing it for a full 30 seconds and it's been driving you slowly insane. Not from the scratching off the wheels against the hardwood floors, but from the way he seems the most awake out of all of you.

"So, it's unanimously?" Rossi asks, and takes his time staring at everyone's faces.

You bring your cup close to your lips, and inhale deeply. The smell of laurel and honey immediately relaxes your face. You hadn't even realized you'd been frowning until you take a sip. The warm liquid makes a route from your throat down to your stomach, and your body is not tense anymore. It's like a warm blanket is wrapped around your shoulders immediately. God, and to imagine you hated tea with a passion.

"Y/N?" Rossi asks again. And you have to squeeze your eyes open.



Derek is smiling at you, a fond look in his eyes, that's mirrored on Spencer as well. You put your cup down firmly on the table, putting some distance so you can focus.

"Sorry, I was having a moment" you say, voice softer than before.

Emily stifles a laugh, "Yeah, looked like you were about to need a room soon with that cup of tea"

"What did you put in it, Hotch?" Derek asks, staring at him. He's got a smug look in his face, while Hotch's face remains fixed in a serious frown.

"Cannabis" he says flatly and you nod. That makes sense.

Emily and Spencer laugh.

"Should do that more often" you say to Hotch.

"Are you recommending we smoke weed?" Derek asks. It's a ridiculous discussion but everyone is too tired and numb on the uncomfortable office chairs to have a straight rational thought.

"Maybe we'd be more productive" you reply.

Hotch shakes his head, already stating his position.

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