Unspoken Love

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After your transferal you run into an old friend, and realize quickly and suddenly that there is still something lingering there.
So you make up any excuse you can - both of you do, just to see one another.


Title from the song by Joe Hisashi, aka Howl's Moving Castle soundtrack
(skipped some parts bcs i was lazy to write filling but hopefully this still makes senseee)
just quick fyi i kno nth of any of the organizations i mention and idk how they even work so just close an eye and i swear it will make sense to u as well


35 days after leaving 

The new job and transferal brought on a whirlwind of things you needed to take care of. From a mountain of paperwork Strauss required you to fill in – to keep the FBI up to date with the search as well – to the actual moving and getting accustomed to the new people and environment. Having so many organizations involved into one meant you had to get used with the way they operated as well. And being surrounded by new faces made it difficult but what you hadn't expected was the BAU team to still be there for you. Penelope messaged you frequently – all too used to having you still in the same region. And Reid and Emily took advantage of it too. David Rossi as well with his many messages. It wasn't the same as seeing them every day, especially because scheduled plans would get easily cancelled from new cases – for them, and trips to Europe or elsewhere to track a lead – for you.  


You know you probably shouldn't be here, and it wasn't really allowed since you had given up your passkeys, badge and any identification necessary to make it past the entrance door in the lobby. Yet it is a Friday, and 2 hours after closing time and some part of you – that very dramatic and tragic part that told you that you miss them, your makeshift family of 2 years, - just wanted to see them again. Whoever you could. So, when you get out of the large elevator leading up to the floor of the BAU, and you find the corridor dimly lit, you try not to look too disappointed. The door far ahead, leading to Penelope's office is half closed and dark. That should be a sign, you think, that none of the team is here, when even Penelope isn't.  

You make a right then, towards the bullpen, to the reason you entered the building - Reid. The office is empty as you'd predicted: the desk light of Spencer's corner being the only one lit up. You make a beeline to his desk, your heels the only noise echoing in the tiled floors together with the low hum of the printers at the entrance. Written papers are scattered open across it, his bag hanged around his seat, and blue pens on the ground. Not an unusual sight. You take the phone from the back pocked of your handbag, slung across your shoulders and pass the dark coat you took off in the elevator to your left hand and dial Spencer's phone number with your right. A low ring, almost inaudible, comes from underneath a large stack of papers in the half-opened drawer at your right. You let out a sigh, knowing already. You take the phone out, an old Nokia model that doesn't even have wireless built in, let alone internet data, and see your name flash across the screen. You turn your own phone off, and soon enough his flashes with 7 missed calls- 3 of which are from you, and 2 text messages – also from you. Maybe next time, you think now, logically sounder would be to mail him by post to reach him. Spencer never used technology unless there was no other solution presentable. His call to you had been short –  I'm about to get off work, want to catch a movie at Malleus at 7pm? And yet he never specified when and where to meet, and you should have asked him. Your fault, at that point. But he was at work and you had been too when he called you, so you both didn't give in to unnecessary pleasantries, and subsequently forgotten to hash out the details.  

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