a man without a rank

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i stretched and got out of the bed. I was alone. I hadn't heard the kids and they hadn't come wake me up this morning. I got some clothes and got a shower. I stepped out and dressed in my black skinny jeans, black ankle boots, black long sleeve shirt and my maroon long open front sweater shaw. I did my hair and makeup and headed out to the kitchen. 

i could hear the kids and happy talking. maria was sat at the table with them telling them stories about happy as a child. I stepped in and leaned on the door frame. the kids couldn't see me. 

"im glad youre out dad" filip said bobbing his head while eating chorizo. 

"whys that" happy asked. 

"because abel and tommys daddy isn't really nice" filip continued. 

"wanna talk about it" happy asked. 

"he just let them have stuff and not us" filip said.

"yea, he let them have candy and cookies and stuff but we couldn't have them" gemma added. 

"was there anything else" maria asked. 

"we had to stay in our room when mommy wasnt home. that girl stephy was always screaming as him 'dont stop'" gemma said then they both giggled. 

"did you ever see what they were doing" maria asked. 

"no, if we went out he would yell and take away our games then tell mommy we did bad stuffs" filip said. 

"you dont have to worry about any of that anymore" happy said. 

I stepped in and kissed the kids on top of their heads. 

"abuela made us chorizo and eggs mommy" gemma smiled. 

"abuela" I smiled. 

"hope you don't mind" maria smiled. 

"its perfect" I said sitting next to happy across from the kids. 

"you need breakfast" maria said getting up to make me a plate.

"im fine, I dont usually eat breakfast" I said. 

"nonsense nuera" she said. 

"ma, don't" happy said. 

"whats that" I asked. 

"you don't want to know" he said as maria set a plate in front of me. 

"I can have dreams too" maria said.

"what did I miss" I asked. 

"nothing" happy said. 

I ate the plate of food maria made me and excused myself. I walked outside and lit a cigarette. I leaned against the truck and watched the neighborhood. kids playing in the street, riding bikes down the sidewalk. people taking care of their lawns. I heard the door open and looked up to see happy. he walked over and mimicked my actions. 

"nuera means daughter in law" he said. 

"she has dreams" I laughed. 

"yea she does" he smiled. 

"I didn't know any of that shit was going on" I sighed. 

"I know. I figured when you stepped in the doorway" he said. 

"probably I good thing I didnt know" I sighed. 

"speak of the devil" he said pulling his ringing phone out. 

he answered it and put it on speaker. 

happy: hey brother.

jax: hey have you seen tay and the kids yet 

I shook my head no at happy. 

happy: not yet man, been tied up. 

jax: well she got pissed because I told her I wanted to go with and told me she wasn't going to cheat with you that I needed to trust her.

happy: oh yea? well I aint about being with her like that so.

jax: no I know brother, I just wanted to let you know that shes probably going to tell you some bullshit.

happy: got ya. 

jax: I might be coming back out to charming, claim my throne. I cant keep dealing with her treating me the way she does.

happy: no throne to claim here.

jax: my presidents patch, reinstating.

happy: we don't run like that anymore. six years is a long time jax. you wont get presidency.

jax: that's my club.

happy: its JTs club, you can be a full patch, I wont shit on you with a prospect patch. but you will not have a right to vote for a year, and you will not hold seniority until we know youre on board with keeping the club straight.

jax: are you fucking kidding me. I gave you that patch.

happy: and then you walked. honestly if we were still running things the way you did jax, youd be dead for walking.

jax: we will see.

happy: the club is loyal to me jax, we aren't the same anymore. itd be a mistake to try me.

jax: I hear you. see you soon.

happy hung up and looked at me. 

"is he fucking serious" I laughed. 

"so he lies and hes trying to take the club" happy smirked. 

"im sorry" I said. 

"it would have happened either way. tay I wasn't lying to him. the club will kill him if he crosses me" he said. 

"serves him right" I shrugged. 

"im sorry" he said. 

"for what" I asked. 

"everything that happened, everything you've been through. I should have made my position in your life more clear, kept you from the start, avoided all the shit." he said. 

"wasn't your fault. I was all over the place as well. we had a lot of fun in the beginning" I smiled. 

"yea we did" he laughed. 


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