From the ashes we rise and to the ashes we shall fall.

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I walked into Lowen's office and sat in front of her desk. she stopped what she was doing and looked at me for a moment before leaning back in her chair. 

"what can I do for you mrs. teller" she asked. 

"you can tell me what legal shit wendy is taking care of" I said. 

"tay, you know I --" she started. 

"I know youre not supposed to, but you know you need to" I said. 

"I don't want to be in the middle like the shit with tara" she replied. 

"I wont put you in the middle, but I know shes up to shit" I said. 

"you're not wrong" she said getting up and grabbing a file out of her cabinet. 

she handed me the file. I opened it and flipped through the pages. 

"shes trying to finish what tara started" I asked. 

"shes wanting to come sign these, shes told jax shes selling her house and using me for legal respresentation" she said. 

"are there extra copies" I asked. 

"no, she wouldn't even let me put anything on the computer because she thought samcro could hack in to get it" she responded. 

"shred these" I said. 

"shes paid me" she said. 

"im not asking, shred them, ill handle wendy" I said. 

"alright" she said. 

"in front of me" I said pissed. 

she grabbed the whole file and shredded them in front of me. I got up and stood in front of her. 

"if she shows her face in here again you tell her you are no longer able to represent her. if she has questions send her to me" I said. 

"yes ma'am" she smiled. 

I walked out and stepped on the sidewalk. I pulled my phone out and dialed jax. 

jax: hello.

tay: we need to talk, immediately.

jax: where?

tay: mill warehouse, ten minutes. 

I hung up and got in the truck. I headed south of charming. as I parked at the mill warehouse my phone went off. I looked at it and answered. 

tay: yea? 

happy: where are you right now 

tay: bout to be at the house, why whats up

happy: I need you at the clubhouse in thirty minutes, im on my way from lodi.

tay: everything good?

happy: we need to talk. 

tay: alright.

I hung up and got out. jax was stood outside wendys car. I walked up and stood before him. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now