To New Beginnings...

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Happy and I got up this morning and got the kids up. we drove to Charming and parked outside our new home. the kids were asking a million questions but followed us inside. happy showed them to their rooms. he then showed me around. the house was much more amazing than id thought it would be. 

id received a phone call from my mom that she found a house in Bakersfield that she really liked and she was going to put a bid in on so that she could buy it. she told me that jax and wendy made it to the house there with the boys. we spent the day getting used to the house. went grocery shopping and stocked the house full of food...



"yea go ahead and sit that on the coffee table" my mom said as a prospect held a vase in his hand. 

"i appreciate you getting them to help" i told happy.

"its not a problem little girl" he smirked. 

"behave" i smirked. 

"how much longer til the divorce is done" he asekd. 

"as soon as jax sends the papers back. wendy said he got them three days ago" i said. 

"hopefully soon" he said putting his arm around my waist. 

"why? you gonna propose" i smirked. 

"kinda waiting until youre divorced before i tattoo my crow on you" he said. 

"is that right" i smirked. 

"yea" he smiled. 

"hey, love birds, yall can leave whenever, my grandbabies are staying with me tonight since i havent seen them in forever" mom said. 

"were doing dinner tonight, you two go have some fun" maria said as she helped mom put more stuff up. 

mom ended up buying the house two houses down from marias. her and maria have gotten really close. 

"ive got something for you" mom said pulling me out to her truck. 

she opened the back and there sat three dufflebags. i grasped the handles and started moving them to the back of my truck. happy was talking with my moms husband and didnt realize we were doing anything. once we finished my mom rescued happy and hugged him by. we gave the kids love and hugged maria and got in the truck. happy drove us home. once we were home happy checked the mail. id opened the back of the truck and put one duffle bag on like a backpack and carried the other two in my hands. happy raised a brow at me curiously. 

we got in the house and i sat the bags on the kitchen table. i unzipped one and happy looked shocked as hell. 

"you still have all that" he asked. 

"yep" i said smiling at the money. 

"lets put it in the safe" he said grasping a bag and leading the way to our room. 

we put the bags in the safe and locked it up. happy wrapped his arms around me and drug me to our bed. we had our way with each other before falling asleep fast. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now