We Cant Allow Our Hearts To Be Louder Than Our Reason...

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i woke up late and got showered and ready for the day. happy was already out of the room with good reason, hes the president, they need to see him. after I was ready for the day I headed out of the room and to the lobby area. I got a cup of coffee and looked around seeing the place already cleaned up. after I finished my cup I made my way outside. everyone was spread around talking. I spotted jax and happy by the swingset. I decided to sneak on out of the compound. 

some things i needed to do for myself while happy was figuring out the future of the club. I walked through charming, past jax's old house. I was just past it when I heard my name. I turned to see wendy. i raised a brow. 

"we need to talk" she said standing in the driveway. 

"i thought tony got this place" I asked. 

"jax had tony give it to me when he chose to move out. knew I needed a place" she said. 

"when was that" i asked. 

"two years ago" she responded knowing I didn't know. 

"i see" i said. 

"theres a lot you didn't know, and id like to let you in on" she said softly. 

"lets chat then" i said following her into the house. 

we sat at the kitchen table and she showed me letters from gemma, from tara, from chibs. stuff shed found while cleaning the house out, cleaning the storage unit out, hell cleaning up gemmas truck. couple notes Nero gave here that were left around his place. I was beside myself. 

"how long have you and jax been talking" I asked. 

"nearly the entire time you were gone" she said. 

"and you have custody of the boys" I asked. 

"yes, he signed the papers over three years ago and mailed them to me so get signed in front of my lawyer" shes aid. 

"how" i asked. 

"forged your name" she said. 

"anything else i should know" I asked. 

"im pregnant" she responded. 

"hes been out here two days" I said. 

"but i went out there to see him a few times within the past two years" she said. 

"you went to our house" I asked. 

"while you were working. it felt wrong. and I feel like shit. but I was scared." she said. 

"why" i asked. 

"club ran me out of town for a while. happy wanted to kill me for the way I did you, making you want to leave and shit." she said. 

"so you turned to jax" I asked. 

"i always changed your sheets after, and made sure no one else knew I was there. felt like least I could do was not leave you in a shit mess" she sighed. 

"im sorry" i said. 

"for" she asked confused. 

"being a bitch, seems I misjudged you a bit" I said. 

"im sorry too" she said spilling tears. 

"does he know youre pregnant" I asked. 

"no, and i doubt he cares" she said. 

"he will care if you tell him. but don't ever expect him to change. if you want better you have to get yourself better. he will always lie and cheat and one will never be enough women" I said. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now