The moment time stood still

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everything froze. for the first time in years I didn't know what to do. my kids were on the lawn screaming, tears running down their faces. my mom and step dad trying to hold onto them and keep them calm. 

hours ago we were having family dinner, jax helped me cook and make plates, we were golden. then it all came crashing down. 

atf knocked on the door and kicked it in before we could open it. they drug jax and I out of the house and threw us to the grass. jax was cuffed and jerked up, they started talking to him. I stood from the ground to have an agent shove me back by my chest. 

I listened to everything they said to jax. they were taking him to charming, holding him on some murder until a witness could be interviewed. I walked up once things started calming down and kissed jax hard. 

"ill fix it" I whispered. 

"I love you darlin" he said looking into my eyes. 

"I love you" I said as they let the kids come tell him bye. 

once the took jax off I walked into the house and to my room, my parents were settling the kids in and I had to get my weapons out of the closet baseboards. I got set up and came back out. my mother and step father already knew what was coming. 

"we have the kids" mom said. 

"thanks, I have to save him" I said. 

"I know" he nodded. 

"keep them safe" I said before kissing all of the kids and heading out the door. 


I arrived in charming the next morning. id drove straight through only stopping for gas. I drove to the clubhouse and entered seeing all the guys spread around. happy was at the bar talking with tony. they looked shocked to see me. 

"got a minute" I asked. 

"fuck yea" tony said as they led the way into the chapel. 

I stood pacing a bit as the guys waited for me to talk. 

"jax was arrested. some murder, they are holding him here in charming until the witness can be heard, I need help finding the witness" I said. 

"you could have just called for that" happy said. 

"no, I need to do it. this fucker just broke up my family and hurt my kids bad. they will suffer" I said. 

"we're on it tay" tony said getting his laptop out and getting started. 

"im going to the sheriffs office." I said walking out. 

I got to the sheriffs office and walked in. I saw jax in a holding cell, I didn't think theyd have him out here that fast. he looked shocked when he saw me. a deputy came forward. 

"mrs. teller" she smiled. 

"anita, I need to speak with the atf whore that's in charge over my husband" I said. 

"yes ma'am" she said. 

she walked to the back. I stepped over my jaxs cell and dropped a throwing knife inside. he collected it fast and hid it. I stepped back over and was greeted by the atf. 

"that was fast" she smiled. 

"I thought so too" I glanced at jax. 

"lets chat" she said. 

"right here" I said. 

"fine, youre husband has been accused of murder" she smiled. 

"we haven't been in charming in nearly six years" I said.

"right, well the witness has positively ided jax" she said. 

"ever think maybe an enemy of samcro has set her up" I asked. 

"don't really care, your husband is indeed a murderer even if he didn't commit this one" she smirked. 

"im going to love cutting your tongue out" I smirked. 

"awe sweetheart, you cant touch me" she smiled. 

"stahl thought the same" I said turning on my heel as she watched in shock. 

I drove to the clubhouse and sat with tony as he looked up the murder charges. hed reached out to a few judge friends and got more info. we were given the address where the witness was at. we got everything together and prepared to head to the safe house at nightfall. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now