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"they'll be fine, go do what you two have to do and hurry back" maria smiled as her and vanessa had the kids in the drive way. 

"I hate this" I said before kissing the kids and telling them how much I love them. 

"we should be back tomorrow" happy said giving the kids love. 

we got on happys bike and he took off towards charming. wed received a frantic call from tony that jax has finally made an appearance with wendy in tow and the boys. he busted the new intel mans face into the bar and had guns drawn on him in front of the boys. tony talked everyone down and agreed to let jax and the boys and wendy stay at the clubhouse until happy got in but jax is to keep away from the club members. tony then called happy this morning to let him know about it and off we go. 

we finally pulled into the clubhouse parking lot around 3pm. we parked and I handed happy the helmet. we walked into the clubhouse and found wendy and the boys at a table. 

"mommy" abel and tommy yelled before attacking me with hugs. 

"im your mommy" wendy said. 

"say it when they aren't in the room, I dare you" I smirked. 

she shut up and looked worried. 

"wheres jax" happy asked. 

"chapel" wendy said. 

happy and I walked into the chapel and closed the doors. jax was sat at the presidents seat. 

"youre in my seat" happy said. 

"youre gonna have to move me" jax replied. 

happy walked over and put his pistol to jaxs chest. 

"I will shoot you and not think twice about it jax. this is my club. you've been gone a long time and ive only gotten better" happy said. 

"pull that trigger" jax said. 

happy smirked and pulled the trigger shooting jax in the shoulder. jax fell to the floor screaming. he couldn't believe happy actually shot him. 

"did you forget who the fuck I am and what my original job was" happy asked. 

"im sorry" jax said. 

"you will not come into my house and shit at my feet. you will not sit in my goddamn chair again. and you will not try taking my club. you and the boys and your dope whore out there need to leave you aren't welcome in charming anymore" happy said before ripping jax's cut off of him. 

I stood there watching as the chapel doors opened and tony came running in with wendy behind him. 

"get out" I said standing in front of wendy.

"no im getting jax" she said. 

"you step any further in this room and I will blow your fucking brain out the back of your head" I said. 

"in front of the boys" she asked. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now