And we all fall down

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Jax and I have been back on the east coast for three months. I have kept up with happy and tried making plans for his mom and aunt to meet the twins, and for him to meet them. jax and I talked to the kids about it and they are super excited about meeting them. jax thinks that it should just be me and the two kids to go that way they don't feel like they are betraying him by showing happy affection. 

jax has also been pulling away a bit, hes been more secretive. he started helping the neighbor out with some household chores, working on their back deck, remodeling their bathroom, etc. the only part that bothers me is their 18 year old daughter going around in her booty shorts and tiny tits hanging out trying to get jax's attention. sometimes he forgets hes not the old jax and I notice him looking and giving that famous teller smirk and wink. 

I got the kids bags and put them in the truck. we were getting ready to head out to California. it was going to be a long drive but we were ready for it. after I finished loading their things I walked over to the neighbors house. they weren't home but jax was working on the bathroom. I walked inside and headed upstairs. 

as I reached the top of the stairs I heard voices. heavy breathing, voices, moans, grunts. I was getting more pissed with each step. I pushed the door open and leaned against the doorframe. jax was pounding it out into this 18 year old slut. 

"needless to say, I want a divorce" I said causing them both to jump. 

"get the fuck out bitch" stephanie screeched. 

I walked in and wrapped my hand around her throat pulling her up, I slammed her against the wall and was choking her out. jax grasped my arm. 

"this isn't charming" he said. 

"if it was youd be dead, and buried in a shallow grave, forgotten" I said in her face. 

I released her and stepped back. she smiled accomplished. I punched it off her face. 

"pack all of mine and the twins stuff up, put it in my mothers garage." I said. 

"youre just going to walk" jax asked as I headed downstairs with him behind me. 

"yea jax, I told you I wasn't doing this, I told you I thought something was going on and you said no babe theres not, shes just a kid. now youre fucking her" I roared.

as we stepped out the door the neighbor mark and his wife tracy were arriving. 

"everything ok" mark asked confused. 

"my husbands been fucking your whore daughter" I said as I walked to my truck. 

"tay" jax called. 

"is that true" mark asked pissed. 

"I just walked in on them" I called from my driveway. 

"tay" jax yelled. 

"put our shit in my moms garage, I want a fucking divorce" I said throwing my wedding rings at him. 

I got in the truck and headed to the school to pick up the kids. once I got them we were on the road to California. they kept asking questions about happy and his family. I answered everything as best as I could. wed stopped for rest and gas and food along the way. we finally arrived in charming but drove straight through. the deal was that we would come out but we were staying with happys mom in Bakersfield. I drove past teller morrow and honked the horn as I did so. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now