Just Another Day

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I got up this morning and kissed Jax before getting ready for the day and heading out of the room towards the bar. I got a cup of coffee and sat down as happy joined me. 

"its been really nice seeing you even though you've been distracted" he said. 

"yea, I hadn't slowed down enough to look around. crazy how much I miss this place. gemma, Ashley, hell even juice and tully" I laughed. 

"hows the east coast" he asked. 

"quiet, safe" I smiled. 

"you know I got a call from you about two months after you left, but I never could get ahold of you to find out what you needed. id called jax and made sure you guys were ok but he wouldn't tell me what was going on" he said. 

"right, I need to talk to jax before I say anything" I said as jax walked over. 

"talk to me about what" he asked kissing my head. 

"that call I tried making six years ago" I said. 

"go ahead darlin, im gonna go smoke. you know what I said about all of it" he said. 

"ok" I smiled. 

jax walked out and I stood up. 

"where are you going" happy asked. 

"chapel, we need privacy" I said motioning for him to come. 

we walked in and shut and locked the doors. I paced a bit as happy leaned on the table. 

"what is it" he asked getting nervous. 

"you remember when you and I got into it, I was going crazy because I didn't think id ever have kids and angel had been being a cunt to everyone, chibs was messing around and id told you I never wanted that with you and we fought and ended up hooking up" I asked. 

"yea, we were pissed and it happened, im sorry that it did" he said. 

"im not, because if it hadn't I wouldn't have gemma or filip" I said. 

"well im glad youre happy, wait a minute, what are you saying" he asked. 

"jax and I went to do adoption on the twins and we couldn't process because chibs wasn't their father" I said. 

"theyre mine" he asked. 

"yea, and I tried calling to tell you and calling didn't seem right, I wanted to come out but something always came up and the last I heard from jax you guys were in some trouble out here and he couldn't find out why because you were fucking a girl while trying to talk to him so I thought better of saying anything because this isn't the life my kids will have" I sighed. 

"first off, we haven't been in any trouble, other than with the new Mexican gangs in the area, and I haven't been fucking any girl, at all. have you not heard the guys all talk about me, they keep calling me banny, because I don't keep company with any whores and I bitch at them about bringing them around when were doing business" he said. 

"why" I asked. 

"I have needs tay, but I can handle that shit myself. I am doing everything to keep this club straight, and I have tried so fucking hard to make charming safe for your family to come back to" he said. 

"what" I asked. 

"don't play about it, you know I have always been in love with you, I missed you like crazy at first, then I kept trying to stay busy so I didn't think about it. it still hurts though. I miss jax too don't get me wrong but I knew you wouldn't want the kids here if it was still the same" he said. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now