We are what we do

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~~Six Months later~~

i shot the last one in the knee and he dropped holding his gun up at me. I shot his hand slinging the gun and his fingers to the side. he was screaming. I walked up and kicked him in the chest then put my foot on his throat. he grasped my pants begging me to let him go. 

"you have something that belongs to me" I said. 

"i dont know" he cried. 

"bullshit, youve been calling the shots, I want him now" I said applying pressure. 

"hes in that locked room" he screamed pointing to the right. 

i put a round in his head and stepped over. I opened the door and there sat happy tied to a chair covered in bruises and his own blood. he looked shocked to see me. I cut him free and got him up. i provided support and got him outside the building as bikes flocked the area. tony helped me get happy into the truck and I headed towards the hospital. I got happy in the hospital with assistance and got him taken care of. 

~~two days later~~ 

"hey little girl what are you doing here" happy asked as I entered the clubhouse. 

"jax and wendy are in town. I just ran into them at the grocery store" I said. 

"they say why" he asked. 

"wendy is finalizing some legal papers. just thought youd like to know" I said. 

"ill keep him on our radar" he sighed. 

"how are you feeling" I asked. 

"great, still pissed at you" he said. 

"youll get over it" I smirked. 

"it should have been one of the guys, not you" he said. 

"youve always known better. you know ive always done the dirty work" I said. 

"i know, but they should have been there. they are the club" he said.

"next time ill stay home and do the good housewife thing... let you die next time. because you and i both know the minute they heard those bikes pull in they would have put a bullet in you" I said. 

"i didnt...." he started. 

"you did. its good. I get it. im not the club. never have been. time for me to stop pretending" I smirked. 

i walked out as he hollered for me. I kept going and got in my truck. I drove to the cemetery and walked in. i walked through the graves until I got to the ones I was looking for. I sat between opie and chibs. picked up a piece of grass and played with it as I spoke. 

"you believe this shit? all ive done and im still an issue when I save the fuckin day" I sighed. 

"usually how it works isn't it" a voice said from behind me. 

i looked up to see jax. he sat on the other side of opies grave. 

"seems like it" i sighed. 

"wanna talk about it" he asked. 

"some shit happened, I saved happy, club got there after id finished it. apparently I was in the wrong because im not the club" I said. 

"you are the damn club, youre more valuable than half the guys he has wearing a rocker" he said. 

"its not like that anymore.. shit is so different" I sighed. 

"i caught that" he said. 

"hows your shit" i asked. 

"different. not good or bad really. boys miss you. wendy is trying her hardest but she wont even be able to do shit the way you do" he said. 

"what about the neighbors kid" I asked. 

"i havent had shit with anyone, including wendy" he said. 

"shit, ive tried with happy honestly, he just different. hes soft and caring... guess I was expecting him to be the killa still" I said. 

"hes probably just doing what he thinks is right for you and the kids" he said. 

"i dont know. but im drowning" I said. 

"where are the kids" he asked. 

"my parents for the week. its been a long week" I laughed. 

"were leaving day after tomorrow" he said. 

"stay out of trouble while youre here" I smiled. 

i got up and left the cemetery. I drove home and showered. I got ready for bed and laid down. after a couple hours happy came in. he woke me up when he pulled into the yard. I laid there waiting for him to come in knowing he was going to come to the room. he came in finally and sat on the bed. i rolled over and looked up at him. 

"im sorry" he said. 

"dont be" i sighed. 

"jax paid me a visit" he said. 

"why" i asked. 

"saw you at the cemetery and needed me to know that you are more samcro than half of samcro" he said. 

"sorry i needed to vent and he knows the life" I said. 

"he told me. also told me im not killa enough for you anymore. im sorry. hes right though, the kids and you being back ive softened up and I cant just be that person" he said. 

"i know. im sorry." I said. 

"i love you, night little girl" he said. 

"i love you night" i said. 

i fell asleep ashe wewnt back to the living room. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now