Miss Murder

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there I stood, between happy and tony. gun in hand, silencer in place. I was born ready for this. 

"now" happy said as we headed through the door. we dropped everyone except the witness who was sat on the couch crying. 

"who told you to id jax" I asked holding my gun to her head. 

"what do you mean" she asked dragging it out. 

"I know someone set you up, who the fuck was it" I asked. 

"ron tully" she smirked. 

"hes dead" I said. 

"or is he" she said. 

I pulled the trigger and let her fall. 

"I got to do a thing" I said. 

"im with you" happy said as tony headed to the clubhouse and we headed towards claires old house. 

we walked into the empty house and looked around. 

"why would she say tully" happy asked. 

"I don't know, I fuckin dreamt about him a little while back" I said. 

"jax know that" happy smirked. 

"yes" I said. 

"oh" he said shocked. 

"we tell each other everything" I said. 

"look" happy said pointing at the wall. 

there was a photo hanging in claires room. her, tully, carl, and two others... the girl we saw tonight and a guy. he looked familiar... too familiar.. 

I walked out of the house with happy hot on my trail. 

"who is he" happy asked. 

"im guessing they are tullys family" I said. 

"you recognized him though" he said. 

"hes the fucking atf's second" I said getting in my truck and hauling ass to the sheriffs office. 

happy and I walked in and saw jax still in the cage. anita was still up front as usual. 

"tay, its after hours" she said. 

"listen I need to talk to you" I said. 

"what" she asked. 

"the atf's second, hes my exs family. they are falsely accusing jax" I said. 

"I knew this didn't add up, the guy they accused him of killing was shot last week, new sheriff has kept an eye out for you and jax for the past six years" she said. 

"they aren't trying to keep him in jail anita, they are going to try killing him" I said. 

"they are transporting him tomorrow morning" she said. 

"keep your nose clean" I said. 

I walked up to the cage where jax was stood. he grasped my hand and looked up at happy. 

"sorry to see you like this brother" happy said. 

"yea, me too" jax smiled. 

"I love you" I smiled. 

"I love you darlin" he said. 

happy and I walked out... we decided to get a nap and then head back.. upon getting back we saw the atf loading jax in their car. we had samcro waiting to cut them off. wed already discussed with local sheriffs and made sure they were staying out of the way. wed cut them off and got jax free. id shot tullys family member and held the female in place. 

"remember what I told you" I asked. 

"what" she rolled her eyes. 

"let me show you" I said punching her then cutting her tongue out. 

she screamed and cried until she couldn't anymore. I smiled as the sheriffs office pulled up. they shot the atfs and came up to jax and I. 

"this was bullshit, im sorry" the sheriff, leanna smiled. 

"all good, can we walk" I asked. 

"yes. but I don't want to see you back in charming after tomorrow" she said. 

"no problem" I said. 

"thanks sheriff" jax said. 

"welcome" she smiled. 

we got in my truck and hauled ass to the clubhouse. once we were there I jumped in jax's arms and hugged him tight. 

"i want to be buried deep inside you" he said. 

"mmm yes, after showers" I smiled. 

"jail beds suck ass" he laughed. 

"I bet" I said heading inside. 

I left jax to hang out with his friends while I got a shower. by the time I got out he was in the room and getting ready for his own shower. after he finished wed laid into one another and gave it all we had before collapsing and falling asleep. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now