Ill show you how Princess I can be

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I parked outside my mothers house. the small suv jax was driving was parked there as well. I know it belongs to wendy and will need to be dealt with. I walked into the house. it was silent. my mother was sat at the bar with a glass of wine. 

"you wanna tell me whats going on" she asked. 

"abels bio mom tried filing documents to put the club, jax and myself in jail so she could run with abel and Thomas" I said. 

"you did things" she asked. 

"im not done doing things. but I will be, tomorrow" I said. 

"where do we go from here babygirl" she asked. 

"i'm through running. I just need a little time" I said. 

"you know I got your back" she smiled. 

"I love you mom" I said. 

"I love you too" she said. 

I walked down hall and into the twins room. jax was on the queen size bottom bunk with all four kids. they were just talking with each other about what theyd been up to and they were giggling. I closed the door behind me. 

"mommy, daddy brought abel and Tommy to see us" gemma smiled. 

"I see that, are you guys having fun" I asked. 

"yes" tommy smiled. 

"mommy I need to tell you something" gemma said. 

"whats up babe" I smiled as she stood on the bed and walked down to me. 

"that girl was never at our home" she said.

"what girl" I asked confused, jax looked confused as well. 

"that stephy girl, I heard you telling abuela about stuff and I just wanted you happy" she said. 

"hold on, you mean you never heard anything and she was never there" I asked. 

"no, I heard that daddy telling a person on the phone that he hoped this daddy never came back. he said that you and him wanted your family. so I lied so you would hate this daddy" she said shedding tears. 

"what about the other stuff you guys said" I asked raising a brow at her and filip.

"it was a lie mommy. we're really really sorry. we told grandma and she said we have to tell you truths" she said. 

"that's right. we always tell the truth. I love you both and it makes me so happy that you want me happy. but we should never lie to be happy" I smiled. 

"are we going to move again" filip asked. 

"yea, we will be moving again. but this time itll be different and itll be an adventure" I smiled. 

"yay" gemma screamed. 

"can abel and tommy come" filip asked. 

"of course" I smiled. 

I gave all four kids love and let jax do the same before tucking them in and pulling jax to the kitchen where mom was. 

"were gonna go handle things real quick, im going to try being back by tomorrow night. make sure you're packed" I said to mom. 

"you got it" she smiled. 

I grasped wendys keys out of jax's hand and handed him mine. he was unsure of my plan but knew he could trust me so he followed. we drove out 85 and sunk wendys car in one of the refilled quarrys that had been decommissioned years ago. we then got in my truck and headed to charming. I made sure happy was at the clubhouse and made my way to the house. jax helped me get everything of mine and the kids loaded in the truck. I emptied the safe and made sure I had everything before leaving my key on the bar. 

Jax.::we cannot escape it::.TellerWhere stories live. Discover now