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Marinette's P.O.V

"Girl, is everything alright? You've been clicking that pen for the past five minutes and keep glancing at the clock?" Alya questioned, worry crinkling her features. I blinked out of my anxious state of mind when hearing those words. Letting out a sigh, I placed my pen down and gave a small, reassuring smile.

"Yeah, something is just...bugging me at the moment," I replied. Whatever I saw in that obituary, it was probably added in by mistake. I might just be overthinking things as per usual. I'm losing my mind for no apparent reason at all.

So...why is it burned into my brain? Why won't this anxious feeling subside? Why won't it just get out of my head already?

Mallorie Dupain-Cheng.

Alya's P.O.V

I was pretty skeptical but didn't push any further. For now, I would keep a careful eye on my best friend...if we're still considered that, anyway. But, if things seemed like they were getting out of hand, then I would get involved. Even if Marinette had said she forgave me, that didn't mean that everything was fine. I could tell she was still on edge when we are together.

The bell began to ring, ending class. With one last glance at Marinette, I packed my supplies and head out the door. I wish that I had some time to walk with Marinette but I had to get home to babysit the twins. Who knows what kind of trouble those little goofballs would cause if no one was watching them.

I also want to give Marinette some space so she isn't uncomfortable next time I am with her.

After gathering my history book (darn teacher giving us a test), I placed it in my bag and made a beeline for the doors. I continued down the steps until pausing in thought.

"Maybe, I could stop by the bakery real quick to get my sisters something," I said within my head, "They might listen better if they know that there's a reward on the line."

With that in mind, I quickly crossed the street and headed straight to the bakery.

"Hopefully, there is something I can grab and go before Marinette arrives," I mumbled to myself, grabbing the door's handle. I pulled the door open and walked in, about to greet Mister Dupain-Cheng. My mouth was left agape, seeing the scene before me in astonishment.

"Oh, Alya," Tom said, surprised to see me and gestured for me to come over. I closed my mouth and walked towards the counter. Two law-enforcing-looking men politely stepped aside for me.

Yet, those two weren't the ones that phased me the most.

"Can I...get you anything, Alya?" Tom asked, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. My attention was brought back to the large man.

"Uh...yeah," I answered, rummaging through my school bag for money, "Three cookies please."

"Here," Tom said, handing over a small bag holding three chocolate-chip cookies, "It's on the house."

I looked up at him, seeing the desperation of wanting me to leave. I complied without resisting, seeing how it seems that he was...busy with other things. I hesitatingly took the bag, kindly thanking Mister Dupain-Cheng before leaving in a hurry.

My mind began to reel on the way back home with the memories of the two men...

...and the girl leaning on a far off wall.

Marinette's P.O.V

"Do you know what happened to Alya? She felt in quite a rush," I asked Nino while grabbing my history book from my locker. Nino closed his locker before turning towards me, "She probably has to babysit her younger siblings."

I hummed in acknowledgment, forgetting that Alya had to sometimes hurry home so the twins wouldn't cause chaos. The last time she didn't get home fast enough, she had to scrub the walls clean of marker before her parents arrived home. She came to school the next day going into explicate detail about it all.

I chuckled a little at the memory.

"Hey, Marinette."

I looked over on the other side of me to see Adrien carrying his fencing bag and gave one of his sunny smiles, asking, "Isn't your birthday coming up soon?"

I returned the smile and nodded my head, "Yeah, in about six days."

"So that's why my calendrer on my phone has a balloon on that day. It's one of my favorite dudette's birthday!" Nino chirped, "It's crazy how you're going to be sixteen in just a few days."

"Yeah, before you know it, I'll be driving," I said.

"Now that's a scary thought," Nino joked, earning a nudge from me.

"No, a scary thought would be seeing you drive, Nino," Adrien stated, making me laugh. Nino gave a "hurt" look, placing his hand on his chest and giving a "sad" look.

"And, I thought we were bros forever," Nino dramatically spoke, "You betray your fellow brother for a girl. How cruel, dude, cruel."

"Well, I'll leave you guys to talk out your problems. I'm heading home so I can get a head start on studying," I responded, earning confused looks from both males, "What?"

"Um...the test is tomorrow. Our teacher has been telling us for the past four days before leaving the classroom," Adrien informed. My eyes were blown wide in a panic before scrambling to the door, shouting out, "See you guys later!"

I practically ran towards the exit as fast as lightning (accidentally bumping into someone on the way). Every thought I had during the day vanished, overlapped by one thing.

"I need to get home and study!"

I knew it was going to be a long night of working my brain silly but that was the consequence of studying the day before a pretty big test. Nothing else at the moment mattered except grabbing a bite to eat before trampling up the many levels of stairs.

I arrived at the back entrance and yanked the back door open. My feet mad-dashed into the bakery, grabbing two croissants then scaled the stairs up to the apartment. Quickly turning the handle, I pushed open the door and shut it.

My mind still had a kick of adrenaline, unable to process everything that happened next.

"Hi, dad! Hi, person! I need to study! Be up in my room!" I rattled out, heading up one more flight of stairs to my room.

"Marinette, wait just a sec-"

I shut the trap door. Just as I began to take stuff out of my bag and settle it on the desk (papers flying askew), my brain finally caught up and realization struck. I turned my head back at the trap door.

"Wait..." I processed, heading back to the door of my room. Opening the door, I went back down the steps into the main room slower than how I entered and looked at the scene again.

Dad stood behind the kitchen counter, looking quite nervous.

Yet, my attention was drawn to the girl sitting on a barstool at the table.

The crazy part about it all.

She looked almost exactly like me.

"Marinette," dad began, hesitantly, "I want you to meet...your twin sister..."



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