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Guys! So so so so sorry for the slow updates! I have not been very motivated to write this book. But, I really do want to do good on it, get it posted faster and complete it.

Idk if some of that will happen later on in the future. Thank you guys so much for sticking around! I really do appreciate it!

Alright! Enjoy!


Marinette's P.O.V

The room went silently still.

My body is unable to move like a chilling blizzard rolled in and froze me solid. A heavy feeling settled within the pit of my churning stomach and palpitating heart. Though the overwhelming silence and tension in the air were thick, alarms abruptly rang in my ears.

My brain is scattered, reaching out for a steady conscious thought through my mixed-emotional state of mind. Yet, the only thought that surfaced was the constant reminder that bothered me throughout the day.

Mallorie Dupain-Cheng.

"W-What?" I finally spoke, barely able to let the sputtering question escape my slightly agape lips.

My wide eyes focused only on the guilty form of my dad, not daring to avert my gaze to the elephant in the room. His shoulders slouched as if an overbearing weight was pushing him down. A frown etched his facial features, filled with regret and anguish.

"What?" I repeated a little louder, feeling my soul being tattered, "What are you talking about? You...You never..."

"I know," dad spoke in a soft tone, walking from out behind the counter, "We should have told you a lot sooner but didn't know how to."

I glanced over at the kitchen table, seeing my almost exact replica fiddling with her fingers on the table and stared at the wooden surface. A curtain of straight, raven-like hair followed slightly below the shoulder and curled at the end. She is a distinct copy of me except for the color of her eyes. The same silvery-gray eyes mom had.

My shock began to wear off, replaced with a feeling of anger and confusion.

"Why did my parents never tell me? Why did they hide the important things like mom's illness and now...a sister?" I thought, trying not to lose my head at this point. It wouldn't do anyone any good if I were akumatized again. Innocent people nearly died from being buried alive from the last time. I can't let something like that happen again.

"Tell me that this is some kind of joke," I muttered, shakily, "If it is, this is not funny."

"I swear, this is no joke. I would never joke about something as serious as this," dad sincerely replied.

"Oh, but you thought it was okay to keep another secret from me, especially another one about our family? Tell me, papa, if you really are my dad. What else are you hiding from me? What other secrets don't I get to know until it's too late?" I spat, eyes beginning to water and a pain in my chest. I feel so hurt, so terribly hurt with all these major secrets.

"Um..." the girl's shy voice broke through the quiet building pressure looming in the room, "...sorry...am I being a burden?"

Dad looked away from me for a moment and over at my twin. His frown deepened as he reassured her, "Of course not. This is all my fault and I wouldn't blame either of you for what you're feeling right now."

I shakily sighed, blinking away the burning feeling in my eyes. So much has happened in so little time. I need to go somewhere, clear my head from everything.

"I...I need to go study," I said, making my way into my bedroom. No one tried to stop me as I shut the trap door behind me. My feet steadily began to pace the floor back and forth.

Was this some trick from an akuma? It has to be. Mom and dad wouldn't keep something like this from me, a twin sister. I would think they would mention something this...this important...

I grimaced, knowing that wasn't true. My parents have done this before, what's stopping them from keeping another secret? I growled, a headache drilling against my skull and exhaustion consuming my being.

"If you keep pacing like that, you might burn a hole into the floor."

A squeak of fright escaped my mouth and nearly jumped out of my own skin. I twisted my body around too quickly, my foot catching the back of the other one. I wildly waved my arms in the air to catch my balance with only a little luck as gravity pulled me towards the floor. I braced myself for impact.

Chat Noir stretched out an arm and placed it on my shoulder, stopping my descent. I found my balance once again before eyeing the sheepishly smiling cat hero.

"Sorry, Princess. I didn't mean to startle you. I just didn't know how to make my presence known since you seemed to be in really deep thought," Chat explained, beginning to frown in worry and fake ears slightly drooping, "Is everything alright?"

My lips thinned out as my gaze momentarily locked onto my trap door before returning to Chat. He copied my movements in confusion. I let out another sigh, resting my forehead against his chest and closing my eyes.

"It's...just been a long day. I'll tell you tomorrow about it because I really do need to get some studying done," I explained, "I also need to sort some things out from that bombshell that was just thrown at me."

"Alright," Chat skeptically said, then asked, "Does the fair maiden need help with this studying?"

The smallest of smiles graced my lips, humming out, "That would be nice-"

Knock knock knock

I lifted my head and looked over at the door.

"Uh...Marinette. Is it alright if I come in?"

I froze when hearing her voice, clenching the end of my shirt. What could she possibly want right now?

"...nice," I quickly recollected my words, "if you would come back tomorrow. I really need to focus. You'll only distract me."

"Oh, I'm distr-cat-ing you," Chat snorted at his own joke while I tried to urge him up my loft's ladder.

"That was a terrible pun, even for you," I said, trying to change the topic. Chat chuckled before adding, "Jokes set aside, who is that? Don't think I didn't notice you get stiff."

I winced, opening the skylight. Chat leaped onto my balcony and poked his head back through. My eyes landed on his evergreen orbs. I knew that I can trust him with anything and would've gone on a whole rant about what just happened. Yet, I'm still trying to process it all so it would be easier to explain.

There were a few more knocks on the trap door, much to my agitation. I gave Chat a quick peck on the lips before saying, "Just come back tomorrow and we can have a talk on the balcony. I'll even bring snacks."

Chat has a dopey, lovestruck smile on his face and nodded.

"Make it chocolate croissants and we have a deal," he replied, shaking out of his stupor. Then, he soon vaulted off of my balcony. I closed the skylight and made a stumbling mad dash for the trap door. I stood in front of the door, reaching for the handle to pull it open but hesitated. I almost retracted my hand fully away as if the handle would burn my skin.

I debated whether to just tell my...sister to go away and leave me alone for the time being. I could've let Chat stay if I had just done that. Yet, I'm pretty sure she is just as confused and lost as I am, living with people with the blood but complete strangers. It just makes me wonder what happened to her in the past then ended up back here with her family about sixteen years later.

Without any more thought, I opened the trap door and invited my twin inside.


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