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Marinette's P.O.V

It's already been a few days since Shadow's arrival. She always pretends to be normal around dad but does a complete 180 when it's just the two of us. Although, it isn't as bad as I expected it to be.

It's mainly a few snide remarks (or threats). Also, a few annoying flicks or pinches on my arm whenever dad isn't looking. Sure, she's acting like a little brat of a sister would (though I don't know who the older of us is). Still, this doesn't mean I'm anything less than cautious.

Lately, I've just stayed locked away in my bedroom and avoiding as much confrontation with the other two people living under this same roof as possible. Shadow is an obvious reason but dad...

I'm still upset with all the lies he kept from me like he doesn't trust me. I want to believe there's bound to be a good explanation for why he and mom have kept very important things from me. No, there is a good explanation! They wouldn't just keep secrets from me if there isn't a good reason...right?


I still don't know all the answers...but I can't entirely be angry at him or mom for keeping secrets. Especially, when I've lied and kept secrets from them as well.

Besides keeping my distance from those two, there's another reason I'm locked away in my room. I'm hoping for Chat Noir to visit.

   Yet, he hasn't.

   I've developed a habit of looking at my skylight, anxiously waiting for some sort of movement or knock. I've tried multiple times to reassure myself that he's probably just busy. He has a life outside of hero work and visiting me. I can't just assume the worst...but here I am, doing just that.

   Thinking, I did or said the wrong thing. Wondering, what he's doing right now. Hoping, he returns sometime soon so I don't have to keep worrying over that dumb cat. Still, the days gradually continue without a trace or hint of him ever returning.

"Girl, is everything okay? You've been kinda off the past two days," Alya asked, taking her seat and placing her bag down. I perked up at my ombré-haired friend's voice, snapping out of my gloomy thoughts. I answered with a shrug. I can tell Alya didn't like that response and seemed determined for me to spill my guts.

Thankfully, Nino turned around in his seat. I'm glad for the distraction that's about to change Alya's focus but something is off with Nino. Concern adorned his features while he asked us, "How you dudettes possibly heard anything from Adrien? He hasn't shown up to school at all this week and isn't picking up his phone."

Alya and I looked at Nino like he grew another head.

"What?! Really?!" Alya replied, surprised.

I didn't say anything, completely baffled too. Adrien never misses school, always on top of making sure to arrive early. I admit, I've noticed his absence these past two days but didn't think much of it. Even if he did miss school, he'd at least contact someone, especially his best friend.

   If Adrien hasn't contacted anyone...something is definitely wrong.

   My thoughts are cut short when the classroom door opens. Miss Bustier walks into the classroom, followed in by the principal and...

   I can feel the air getting caught in my throat, shock etched into my features when seeing Shadow trailing behind Mr. Damocles. My surprise wore off, narrowing my eyes in her direction. Shadow "shyly" stood off to the side as the two adults talk for a moment.

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