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Adrien's P.O.V

I returned home from a photoshoot just a few minutes ago. It took from the end of school to late afternoon before I arrived back home. I'm pretty tired but I'm used to days like this.

Besides, I'm still on a mission to take down Hawkmoth. Even if I do have my powers or not, I feel as if it is my responsibility. Hawkmoth is my father. His assistant is Mayura. They've been right in front of me this whole time.

This whole time!

I feel so stupid.

I feel so useless for not realizing it earlier.

Now, I need to make things right. Powers or not, it doesn't matter. I will save Paris. I will stop them by myself. I will make sure no one else gets hurt.

The first thing to figure out is the secret code on the safe behind mom's portrait. I can go to the security room for that. It's bound to have been caught on camera (with how many there are).

   If I can recall, the safe is where I found the book of heroes and possibly...the peafowl miraculous. There might be other hints, secrets, or items inside the safe that I didn't get a chance to discover.

It might be a stretch, but maybe, my father was careless this one time. Maybe, he left the butterfly miraculous in the safe. I could end my father's criminal acts all in one night.

   Maybe, I can figure out his intentions behind his actions.

Or maybe I could get caught in the act by someone. There's a fat chance of me succeeding in this mission. It's a long shot that I'm willing to take.

Once Nathalie left my room for the night, I quietly escaped into the dark hallway. I did my best to avoid as many cameras as possible. It is tricky with as many as he has around the house. Father is a very paranoid man (with good reason). Not only is he protecting his villainous secret identity, but he's still also a famous fashion designer.

   I peek around a corner only to spring back behind.

   The Gorilla is walking down the hallway.

   "I forgot he does a few rounds around the mansion before heading home," I thought. My bodyguard will surely return me to my room if he caught me and report it to my father. I can't let that happen.

   "How can I get rid of him though?" I desperately said within my head, knowing he is growing closer to where I'm at. I scan the area for any ideas to hide or distract him. My eyes glossed over some sort of fancy-looking art rock that probably cost an arm and a leg for most people (for some reason).

   Then, I glanced over at a window and a big tapestry that nearly touched the ceiling to brush against the floor.

   A crazy idea popped into my head.

   I grabbed the rock and stood close to the tapestry. I chuck the rock at the window before quickly moving to hide behind the tapestry. Luckily, father didn't hook up any sensory alarms to the windows. That would've caused a bigger scene than I would've liked. I listened to the window shatter then a set of heavy feet running to investigate.

  Seeing my chance, I hurriedly scamper around the corner and stealthy made the rest of the way to the security room.

  I did have a few very close calls when the Gorilla passed by. Yet, I did manage to make it to the security room. I locked the door behind me and stood in front of the monitors. I flipped through the many camera's footage until finding the angle of my father's office.

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