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Marinette's P.O.V

   I snuck in through the side door and quietly scampered up the stairs without alerting dad in the bakery. I need to calm myself down. If I look like I just ran miles here (which I did) and knowingly burst into my room, Mallorie will get suspicious. I need to be as discreet as possible.

   Recollecting myself, my hand latched onto the apartment's door handle and twisted it. I moved inside, closing the door before heading to the trapdoor. I pushed it open entered my room. My eyes immediately landed on Mallorie, relaxingly reading through my diary.

   I surge ran through my body, shooting over to my twin and ripping the private journal out from her prying fingers. A knot of emotions tightened in my stomach. A feeling of invasion and expulsion washed over my naked body. The need to hide shoots through my veins, wondering how much she read and what she knows.

   Yet, anger somehow still manages to make itself visible with everything else going through me. This is another level of low.

   "What are you doing?" I hissed through clenched teeth. Mallorie isn't phased in the slightest, calmly checking her nails.

   "Oh, just confirming my earlier theory is true," she measly answered, innocently. Then, a smirk appeared on her lips, "and it looks like I am correct."

   I gulped down a lump in my throat, wondering what it is she figured out. I have to hold in my urge to panic and yell again. Maybe, it's not as bad as I think it is. Maybe, I'm overreacting? No, it doesn't matter because this is still wrong. Did she find out about my alter ego?

   I tightened my grip on my diary, holding it protectively again sat my chest.

   "What theory?" I shakily questioned, glaring at Mallorie. My twin continued to smirk.

   "You are-"

   I didn't think my heart could beat any faster but I'm proven incorrect. My eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. My panic heightened to another level.

   "-majorly crushing on Adrien Agreste."

   My mind came to a halt like the sound of a record player instantly stopped playing to deaf ears. I stand rooted on the spot I'm standing on, paralyzed by the shock numbing me. The silence envelops the room.

"Uh...h-how did you know?" I nervously squeaked in reply, still trying to process and get over my shock. Luckily, my gushing over Adrien is probably what most of my diary is filled with and somehow missed all the pages about the miraculous. My tense muscles slightly relaxed, on the edge of wherever this conversation is going.

   "You really think someone of your standards could win over someone who has looks and riches," Mallorie snickered, getting off of my chaise, "Wow, you must still believe in fantasies. I can't wait until reality crushes those fantasies into nothing but dust."

   "Get out of my room," I snarled. Mallorie shrugged and began her trek over to the trapdoor. I placed my diary on my desk, taking in some deep breaths. I'm surprised an akuma didn't come for me. That would have been bad.

   "Whatever you say, Ladybug."

   My breathing caught short getting stuck in my throat and released as a gasp. The feelings of dread returned in full force. My limbs instantly turned to jelly. I leaned against my desk to help keep me from falling onto the floor. The knife Mallorie placed in my back twisted. My nails scratched against the desktop's surface until my fingers folded themselves into fists.

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