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Chloe's P.O.V

I shift my gaze over my shoulder, staring down the four-eyed girl in the second row. Like always, she seems pretty invested in her phone.

Out of everyone in our class, she is the only one who knows Marinette the most. Although, it doesn't seem like the two are on good terms. This is the most distant I've ever seen them. It's like they can't even look at each other.

I wince and turn my gaze toward the desk.

This is my fault. I should've never helped Lila make that video. I finally broke Marinette's relationship with the entire class (except for Adrien, I think). The old me would relish in her misery. Yet, I feel nothing but the bitterness at myself.

Why did it have to take someone I was close to dying to see myself for the first time?

And that someone's daughter is going through a rough patch because of me.

"Chloe, are you okay?" Sabrina asked. I sighed in agitation.

"Obviously not. I've been dumb and did even stupider things. Of course, I'm not okay! If I hadn't made that video in the first place, nobody would've turned on Marinette," I snapped.

My eyes widen when I realized I lost my temper like a child throwing a tantrum. How low I've I gotten myself to be like this?

I cross my arms and shrink in my seat.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell," I apologized, looking away from my only friend. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder.

"Chloe, you're not the only one who helped in making that video. I was there too," Sabrina said. My fingers dig into my arms. My frustration grows like a weed, scrunching up my face into that very emotion.

   That is no excuse. Sabrina has always followed me since the day we met. I dragged her into that situation and commanded her to do all that. She was just following orders as usual. How did she actually feel about doing that though?

"Did you even want to do that video or just do it to follow my orders?" I asked Sabrina. She went silent, giving me all the answers I need.

   I shake my head, "See, what I've been doing to Dupain-Cheng—to everyone—is unforgivable. I have no excuses why I've done the stuff I did. It's a miracle that you're still by my side. Why are you still here?"

   Ever since Marinette revealed her mother's death, I've been reflecting on my life. All the heinous stuff I did, the cruel words I spoke, and the people I've gotten akumatized. I've even made my only friend and family suffer. I don't deserve any of them and they don't deserve all the torment I've put them through.

   "Because I'm your friend, Chloe," Sabrina genuinely said.

   "You might not be the nicest person, but recently, I can tell that you want to do better growing into one. All those years ago, you were the only one who wanted to befriend me when nobody else wanted anything to do with me. You've stuck by my side then so I'm sticking by you now. Trust me, you aren't getting rid of me that easily."

   I gaped, not knowing how to reply. I turned to face her, seeing a soft smile spread on her lips. For a moment, she reminded me of Adrien. They both still choose to be with me even if I was a brat. Me of all people. How did these two deal with my utterly ridiculous self?

   Maybe, they see something special in me that I don't see in myself yet.

   "You really think so?" I asked.

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