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Alya's P.O.V

"Do you know what's going on with Marinette?" Nino asked.

I shake my head, staring at the door Miss Bustier and Marinette walked out of. I've been wondering the same thing the entire time. She's been off lately. Once I notice the slightest shift in her demeanor, I started to investigate. I've been keeping a close eye on her, taking mental notes on her reactions to certain topics and people.

From what I can tell, it has something to do with Mallorie. Marinette is trying to hide something about her sister.

I've only known Mallorie for a couple of days. She seems like a really sweet and shy person. She tells stories of her time in America. All the sights she has seen, some of the foster families she's loved with, and the foods she ate. Mallorie seems like a regular foreign student.

At least, that's what she wants us to see her as.

I've also noticed she keeps to herself quite a lot, which makes sense and makes for a perfect cover. Mallorie is new to Paris and far from the continent, she grew up in. Everything here is new to her. Although, she seems to have handled her first day well (probably used to moving around so many times).

   From all the puzzle pieces I've collected, I've put together a theory. Marinette's weird behavior started when Mallorie arrived, Mallorie acts innocent, the stories (that may or may not be true). Everything leads to one conclusion and pinpoints on the same person all over again.

   This feels like Lila again but with a different method. It's a facade instead of lies. Mallorie isn't doing all of this to gain popularity. She tries not to gain too much attention on herself. But what other reasoning could there be? If not for popularity, then what are her true intentions?

   I need to find out more if I'm going to solve this mystery.

   My thoughts are cut off when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Out of habit, I slip my device out of my pocket and check the latest update. It isn't from the Ladyblog but from a different blog I follow to see current news of what's going on in Paris. I sometimes use other blogs to fill in gaps on what I missed during an akuma fight.

   I don't think much of it and open the app. I'll take a quick glance at whatever this is and possibly read it later if it's interesting enough-

   I freeze in my seat, eyes bugging out of my head. I swallow down a gasp as to not gain any unwanted attention and try to keep a straight face. After glancing around the classroom and at the door, I begin to quickly skin through the article and hope I don't miss any important details.

   This will bring me even closer to figuring out everything. I scroll past the very familiar picture of Marinette's look-a-like and read the title.

Runaway Teen Robs a Jewelry Store


Adrien's P.O.V

   It's nice talking to Nino again. Although, I wish I didn't feel this heaviness. It makes it a lot harder to keep this mask on my face. This happy facade. It's going to be difficult bottling these emotions once I give up Plagg.

   The mere thought punctures my soul. I have to hide my hand under my desk so nobody notices it clenching. My nails dig into my skin and I wouldn't be surprised to see blood if I were to look.

   Yet, it feels like everyone already knows and just doesn't care. I try pushing that thought to the back of my mind. I know that isn't true, far from it. I've seen what this class has done when one is in trouble. They all stand their ground together. They'd do anything for each other.

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