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Marinette's P.O.V

   During the early morning hours, the police found Shadow...after she robbed a jewelry shop and chased her for a few miles.

   I just woke up an hour ago and feeling better from last night's sickness. Yet, I also find the kitchen empty.

At first, I was confused since dad is usually up to make a quick breakfast before heading down to the bakery. I hadn't realized the situation until finding a note on the counter. Dad explained in the note the situation and went to the station.

   "I can't believe this..." I trailed off in disbelief, "I know she is a major brat...but stealing from a jewelry shop? That's a bit much."

  "Good morning, Marinette! H-"

   "Is she so desperate for attention that she'll go to any length to get it?" I continued to ramble on.


   "Next thing you know, she'll murder somebody," I exclaimed, "and that somebody will probably be me!"


   I seal my lips shut and pause pacing the floor. Tikki is floating at my eye level with a raised eyebrow.

   "Don't you think you're over-exaggerating a little bit?" She questioned me.

   "I don't know. Give me a second to think," I sarcastically said, putting on a "thinking" face before answering her question a second later, "Nope! Not at all! She hates my guts, Tikki. I wouldn't be surprised if she stuck a knife in my back, literally."

"Don't worry, that'll never happen. I'll always watch your back," Tikki chirped, making me smile a little, "Besides, I highly doubt she'd do anything as drastic as that. She may be cruel but I wouldn't say she's a killer."

I can see where Tikki is going with this. She's right on the part of Shadow not being a murdering type (though she is psychotic) and maybe, I am being a bit over the top as usual. Still, it doesn't take the fact away from everything Shadow has done to me since her arrival. Being a brat, burning one of my designs and almost a family picture, harsh words, threats, and more.

"I wish I had the answers to help solve all of your problems, Marinette, but even I don't have all the universe's answers. The only one who can do that is your dad and sister," Tikki wistfully spoke.

"I know," I replied, "It doesn't seem like anyone is willing to give them is the real problem."

"I'm sure the truth will eventually come out," Tikki reassured before perking up, "Wait here for a second! I'll be right back!"

My Kwami shot off back into my bedroom. I blink, tilting my head in wonder at what Tikki is doing. I didn't have to wait too long when she returned at a slower pace, struggling to carry something white and rectangular in her arms. I immediately grabbed it, releasing the heavyweight from her grasp.

My eyes are drawn down to a folded piece of paper. Curiously, I opened the paper. A soft smile couldn't help spreading across my cheeks. A homemade birthday card with Tikki and Plagg's signatures.

"Have a miraculous birthday, Marinette!" The card read with some stickers plastered around the words. Even if the card didn't solve my problems, it did cheer me up a little bit.

   "Aww! Thank you, Tikki! That was very sweet of you to make me a card for my birthday," I genuinely expressed my gratitude. Suddenly, my words hit me with realization of what today is. My eyes blow wide, probably bulging out of my head.

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