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Adrien's P.O.V

   I opened the trapdoor, noticing Marinette sitting at the table. I tried thinking of ways on how to sneak out but wasn't confident in any of the plans. They all ended in me being caught. It seemed fate was on my side at that moment.

   Marinette had walked off somewhere deeper into the apartment. This gave me the perfect chance to quietly sneak out. I raised the door and quietly slipped out, softly shutting it. With stealthy feet, I made a beeline for the door and managed to escape out the bakery's side door without any problems.

   "That was too easy," I mumbled under my breath, "A little too easy..."

   I cautiously looked around, seeing if any consequences may need to be paid. I am the embodiment of bad luck. Things like this usually don't go this well for me. It's kinda scary. Still, I found nothing needing to be worried about. I guess I'll find out later if my choice had any terrible results.

   I crossed the road with my hand in my pockets and stared down at the road. My finger felt empty and cold without the ring hugging it. It made me aware of those same feelings within myself too.

   The awful feeling of loneliness.

   I miss him already.

   I gulped down the forming lump in my throat before taking a shaky breath in. I can't go back to school in this state. Everyone will start questioning me. Lifting my head, I took a moment to put on my cheery mask that I'm so used to wearing. At least...I was until he came into my life.

   I really need to stop thinking about him. It's already terrible enough that I can't even bear the thought of his name in my head. I headed toward the school's stairs with stiff shoulders and a hurting face from the forced happiness.

   I nearly jumped when a car honked. I twist around with a racing heart. Parked on the side of the curb was the limo, the window rolled down to reveal a displeased Gorilla.

I scratch the back of my neck and grimace at my bodyguard.

"I'm in trouble," I thought, completely forgetting that I had to go home for lunch today. Grudgingly, I shuffled over and got into the limo. I began to fidget in my seat, worry coursing throughout my being.

I messed up...and I'm sure father will hear about this. Ever since I found out about his identity, I haven't seen nor talked to him. I've been doing my best to avoid him as much as possible which meant I had to be on my very best behavior.

But he won't let my mistake slip by like brushing some dust off the shoulder.

He'll want to know why I was late coming home. Where I was. Who I was with. What I was doing. Everything.

Honestly, I don't think I'm ready to face him yet. I don't have a choice in that though.

   When did I ever get a choice?

   The limo came to a stop, making me tenser than before. I stared at the giant doors and was frightened of what lay behind them waiting for me.

   If I was still in blissful ignorance and didn't know of my father's villainous side, I would've been upset. I would've prepared to get yelled at and face the consequences of my actions.

   Yet, I'm deeply distressed and afraid of that very man now. I know he doesn't know my awareness of his secret identity. I'm safe so long as I keep my lips sealed. I don't think he would be so cruel to hurt me even if I did know the truth.

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