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Chat Noir's P.O.V

My lungs are short of air. My limbs are aching tenfold than before. The side of my face still stings—burns—from the scratch marks. My world is slightly spinning, probably due to a large amount of blood I have lost.

Yet, I need to keep going! I don't have any time for a break. People are in trouble, a victim needs saving, Marinette could be in danger, and there's a hunk of sharp-teethed fish on my tail!

"How did this situation become so messed up?" I think, nearly getting my foot bit off by a shark. I hit the animal with my baton, using its state of confusion to escape. Hoping I attracted all the sharks remaining in the hallways, I turn the last two corners before returning to the art room.

I just need to get through the room and press the button on the remote. Then, I will have achieved victory—and Syren is blocking my pathway.

Syren malevolently grins, knowing she has me trapped.

"End of the line, Chat Noir," she muses. I hesitate to continue but I don't have time to think. The sharks will be here any second.

So, I charge and release a battle cry.

Syren seems baffled by my sudden recklessness and takes a moment to process what's happening. I use these few seconds to tackle by a non-expecting akuma. The sharks begin to fill the room in seconds flat. I grab the remote from my belt and pedal-to-the-medal out of the room.

One last stroke out of the room, I pressed the button once I barely made it past the room's archway. The black bars that wrongly imprisoned me the first time slam into the floor. A few of the faster sharks ram into the bars while the others split into two different directions. They fearfully swim around the room in circles, trying to find a way out.

Syren regains her composure and glared at me. I don't stick around any longer, rushing out of the building. Syren's angry voice echoes from the room, something about getting revenge...or shark stew? Maybe, she actually said shark food.

Whatever. I don't know, nor do I care or even hear her anymore. I left the museum and open the tracker on my pole. Ladybug's symbol is blinking on the screen still in the same place since I last checked. I swim to the surface and jump onto the roof of a building.

I sprint and vault in the direction the symbol blinks. People are standing on the rooftops, watching me hustle and cheering me on. Every once in a while, I check to make sure I'm still heading in the right direction.

I'm completely exhausted, already passing my limits. My vision is noticeably dizzy and my body is worn down from swimming for my life. But I have to get to Marinette. I need to make sure she is okay. She has to be okay! I don't know what I would do if something bad happens to her.

I open my baton again.

My heart stops. I can feel a different sort of coldness rush through my veins. My breath catches in my throat.

Ladybug's symbol is no longer on the screen.

"No..." I say, shaking my head in disbelief, "...no no no no no no NO NO NO!"

I desperately run faster, needing to get to Ladybug—to Marinette. I can't lose her! She means too much to me! She's one of the best people in my life!

"I need you to be okay, Marinette!" I yell in my head, "I...I think...I think might..."

Before I can even finish my thoughts, a flash of red suddenly makes an appearance right in front of my face. I immediately come to a stop, causing me to fall back on my butt. I breathe heavily, feeling the weight of exhaustion starting to settle.

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