Chapter 10: BaMBoOZlEd

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Your POV

I narrowed my eyes slightly, though no emotion was shown. Shattered chuckled darkly, "This is your decision Y/n. Choose wisely." Shattered smirked.

Suddenly, Cross ran up to me and grabbed my shoulders, "Y-y/n? We haven't seen you in years. I guess Nightmare really wasn't lying when he said you had changed.. You seem emotionless..." I spoke up, "I suppose your right." I said indifferently. Soon enough all of them came up to me but Shattered kept his distance.

He seemed aggravated, "Can you hurry this up please, Y/n? I don't have all day." I paused, did I really care for these monsters? We were good friends at one point but now they seem useless and pathetic. A small, yet sharp pain hit my SOUL, Their not pathetic! A small voice in my head told me. I shook my head and narrowed my eyes at Shattered.

I felt guilty...? I didn't want to do this. I sighed, walking up to Shattered and offering my hand out to him. His smirk got wider if that was even possible at this point. He grabbed my hand and pulled me by his side, "Sorry to leave you all here on such short notice but my dear sibling here has made a choice." He said and we teleported away.

Shattered let go of my hand and beckoned me forward with a flick of his tentacle. I followed suit, looking around. We were at a castle, it looked like it was once a very happy and cheerful place but now it looked very sad and depressing ((Lmao me tho....IM NOT OK--))

We walked inside the place, our shoes tapping lightly against the ground. We walked past many rooms but stopped infront of of a room labeled, 'Discussion Room'. Shattered pick me up with a tentical and pushed open the door. I was...surprised? To say the least...

The gang was there, I have no clue how The Murder Time Trio + Cross got back so fast. Error, Ink, Blue and...Nightmare in his corrupted form. Nightmare then took me out of Shattered grasp and sighed, "Thanks Dream."

I looked over and saw the goop of Shattered now falling to the floor. Now Dream was just there. Thoughts whizzed in my mind as Dream with gave a small 'you're welcome' in response.

I hadn't even realized, somehow, that Night was tying me down to a chair. I growled lowley and struggled against the rope restraints, leaving red burns on my wrist.

I looked up and stared blankly at Nightmare. The 'Star Sanses', Nightmare, and Error walked out of the room. I looked over at The Murder Time Trio and Cross. I narrowed my eyes, "This was all set up wasn't it...?"

They nodded, I sighed and leaned back into that chair. Dust put a hand of sympathy on my shoulder, "We only wanted the old you back." Ignoring his statement I asked, "When could Dream start controlling Shattered so well?" He scratched his neck, "Well about four months ago." I hummed.

Dust sat back down and started talking to the others. I looked over at them blandly before sliding my chair over a bit to try to listen to the conversation outside the door. I heard them talking about.. Inks vials...

"Won't that harm them?" I heard Nightmare say, "I have no clue Nighty! But we gotta try something." Inks voice murmured.

Ignore the rest of their conversation, not really caring at this point. Then I remembered, my pocket knife. I hastily tried to reach it with my hands and succeeded surprisingly. I caught the ropes holding my hands and eventually made it down to the ropes holding my feet, cutting them with precision. I put my pocket knife away, getting up to stretch.

I poped a few of my joints, sighing once again. Out of nowhere the rest of monster walked into he room, Nightmare holding a cup in his hand. He walked up to me, "Y/n, drink, your probably thirsty." He said and I took the cup out of his hands. I looked down on the drink to see if it was poisoned or sum shit like that. It looked normal other than it was a slightly brown color.

"What's in this? Poison?" Nightmare quickly shook his head, "Flavored." I rolled my eyes slightly in a non-caring manner, taking a sip from the drink.

I immediately regretted it, as I doubled over in pain.


Well fuck, halfway through this chapter I was begging not to lose inspiration. The inspiration hit me like a brick and then went as quickly as it came. So yeah, I also want to apologize, again, for the lack of updates and me just not responding to people. It's just about my overall worth as a person. And it's quite a low number. And I know it's going to take me a couple hours to even release this chapter because I feel bad and I feel nervous people will hate me and-- Enough with that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll see you in the next one--hopefully soon--goodbye my little potatoes.

Word count - 1021

Btw, if you DM me I might not respond right away--or never--respond because I'll be dying, mentally. Luv you all though.

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