Chapter 8: no...No....NO!

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((so I'll tell you this now this story in this book might take a turn... A turn that some of you, may not expect. But anyways enjoy this chapter.))

Nightmare's POV

I soon here soft snores from Y/n and hum In satisfaction. I hold them so that their bridal style in my hands and see a few stray tears down their face. I brought up my hand and gently wipe them away with my thumb. they Mumble something unintelligible and bury their face in my hoodie. I gave a soft sigh stand up, teleporting to their room. I lay them down in bed and teleport back to my own room.

I figured I should go tell the gang to go to sleep so I walk out my room to only to find them standing there, a somber expression on their face.

"Were you all listening?!" I hissed, in a quiet voice.

"Yea....but how can we not? You guys are like the cutest siblings ever!" Cross squeaked.

"Yea,yea whatever, now goodnight." I said and walked back Into my room, closing the door.

Y/n's POV

I woke up with a groan, my head pounding. I sat up in my bed... WHAT MY BED, HOW DO I GET HERE?! Oh... Nightmare must have taken me here, I can take care of myself, I'm not a child!! I let our small huff and stand up, stretching. I soon get some new clothes and put those on and walk out of my room so I won't be late for the meeting.

I walked out to the hallway and see killer walking In there, texting on his phone. I run up to him and greet him.

"Hi Killer!" I happily chirped, my positive side probably showing.

"Huh? Oh hi Y/n. Your acting.....positive for once." Killer said, rasing a non-existent eyebrow.

"Oh that's because of what happened yesterday! since I'm not fully corrupted right now my positive side is probably showing but I also have a negative side." I say smiling and he chuckles.

"Woah I just walked Into some weird dream.. " A voice said and I saw It was Horror walking towards us with Dust, Cross and Error trailing behind him.

"YeA, y/N, We hAvE NeVeR sEeN YoU sO PoSiTiVe." Error says but I notice that all three of them seem to be coming back from a throne room which means me and Killer probably miss the meeting.

"Did we miss the meeting?" I ask tilting my head.

"No, he wasn't In there nor was he In his room..." Cross said trailing off.

My eyes widened as my mind went wild what?! Where Is he?! Why would he leave?!? Cross seemed to notice my panicked expression and pulled me off to the side while the others were talking. He soon brought me into a hug which I happily returned. Huh, maybe I can go look for NightMare, I thought to myself and wriggle out of Cross' hug. He seemed confused before he saw the DETERMINATION in my eyes.

"I'm guessing you're going to find him?" Cross said and I happily nodded in which he just snickered to.

I went over and told the others I'm going out and they didn't have any disagreements about it so I left. I felt around for NightMares strong negative Aura and soon found it in....this AU...DreamTale.... He must be out for a walk I thought to myself. But I went to search for him anyways. I teleported to where he was and saw him at the tree of feelings which was... Destroyed and....Dream was across from Nightmare.

They didn't seem to notice me and instead kept talking. I walked up behind Nightmare and yet they still seemed oblivious. I tapped him lightly on the shoulder and he spun around and glared at whoever tapped him but his glare softened when he saw it was me.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" He questioned.

"Well, the gang said that you weren't at the castle so I came looking for you." I said smiling happily, I knew very well that this was a lot of positivity and it was probably drowning out his negativity.

He sighed, seeing that I was again positive and negative. But then Dream spoke up.

"Y/n....I'm sorry for dumping that water on you but I just wanted you back.." Dream said, looking at me sadly.

I only stuck out my tounge like a child In response. Dream sighed and looked down at his feet. Nightmare then walked besides me and put me protectively behind himself. I peeked out behind Nightmare to see what was happening.

"Alright, enough Dream. Why did you want me to come here?" Nightmare asked with a slight glare.

"Brother, I wanted to show you that I care about you and Y/n..." Dream started and took out a...a b-black apple from his pocket.

I am immediately trying to step forward but nightmare blocked me with his arm. He looked back at me, giving a calm smile. I calmed down a bit and looked back at Dream.  I try to read Dreams emotions and it was just guilt sadness nothing else really.

"Oh, so you actually managed to hold one of those, is this a new magic trick or something? " Nightmare asked Dream while cocking an non-existent eyebrow.

"N-NO! I wanted to show you that I understand what you're going through! I want to show you that I care...." Dream says and raises the apple up to his mouth.

"Y-you, you wouldn't, your bluffing!" Nightmare said, looking panicked.

" I'd never bluff to you brother..." Dream said and opened his mouth to take a bite of the apple.

"DREAM, WAIT!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING-" Nightmare yelled and lunged forward... But it was too late...

HHAHAHAHHAHAhEehEHeHHahaHeh.... Sorry, I hope you're not too mad because I left a cliffhanger like that. But I said this chapter was going to take a turn and this is the kind of turn I meant... Shattered.   but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter cuz I had fun reading it. But I'll see you in the next chapter, bye bye my little potatoes!!

Word count - 1046

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