Chapter 9: Shattered dreams

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Y/n's POV

A look of horror crosses mine and Nightmares face as Dream took a bite of the apple. Nightmare backed up beside me again and pushed me so my back was facing his chest while his two arms were protectively wrapped around me. Dream rises from the ground. He still had the same outfit but he is now goopy like Nightmare. He starts talking but I block out most of it as I feel my emotions draining away once again.

Except all of them went away....

I stare blankly at Dream, my eyes almost having a dead look to them. He soon looks into my eyes but his one eye widens In surprise. I soon realized he hasn't looked at me but at Nightmare. I wriggle out of Nightmares grasp only to see that he's in his passive form and has purple tears running down his cheekbones. I do not really acknowledge it and stand there emotionless.

I gave a soft sigh and turned away only have nightmare call my name and ask where I'm going.

"I'm leaving." I said, matter-of-factly.

He looks shocked before he looks into my eyes as a pained expression goes on his face.

"Y/n, please don't leave." Nightmare pleaded, but his pleads meant nothing to me.

I turned around and made a portal, leaving. I didn't know where I made a portal to but I didn't care. I couldn't care. It turned out I made a portal to one of the many voids in the multiverse.

I stopped on the void as the portal close behind me. I sighed and look down in my hands. I know It will be a while before I'm ever normal again or if I ever be normal again. So I just got to wait until time passes.

~ a few years pass~

It's been couple years since the apple incident with Dream. Or should I say Shattered. For some dumb reason Dream is now called Shattered. I was pretty sure he called himself that to make himself more 'scary'. Sometimes he comes and talks to me, to try to get me on this side. But I never agreed to it, I rarely spoke to him or spoke in general. And today it just happened to be one of those days.

And you may be wondering about Nightmare. I haven't spoken to him in about 2 years. He tried talking to me but his results were futile and he ended up just giving up. Anyways...

I was sitting in the void-well now my void, thinking about something to do for any sort of entertainment but I knew it was going to be stupid to try. I couldn't feel anything anymore. My SOUL was too broken, having gone through two corruptions. Everything was silent as it usually was around the void but something broke it. The silence of the void was pierced as the sound of a portal opening broke it.

I stood up and turned around to see Shattered stepping out of it. Here we go again. I thought to myself, indifferently.

"Hello Y/n." he said. I just stared blankly at him in response.

" Not really that talkative today, are we?" He started calmly, " but you probably know the routine, me trying to get you on my side." I nodded my head.

"But today is going to be a little different, if you don't speak one of your friends lives shall be put on the line." I decided I would speak but not because I cared about my friends, I didn't have any....not anymore.

"Shattered, I do not have any friends... Not anymore. So simply putting someone's pathetic life on the line would not matter to me." I said, giving him a cold gaze.

"Hmm...we'll see then..." And here he goes with the questions. I thought to myself.

"Y/n, why don't you join my team?" No response, he continued. "Come on Y/n there's no point of saying no." He said, smirking

" And there's no point of saying yes. What's your point Shattered?" I said trying to sound like I was asking a question but it came out like nothing.

He furrowed his bone brows and I could tell he was fed up with my bullshit already. He only sigh and teleported someone next to him. I got a good look at the person-well monster. But it was not just one monster it was four. Monsters that were all too familiar for me, all skeleton monsters.






okay, okay! I know this chapter wasn't as long as the others but this is where I wanted to end, like a cliffhanger like this. I hope you're not too mad at me for making a shorter chapter but this is where I wanted to end so I guess I'll see you in the next chapter. Goodbye my little potatoes! And again, I apologize for not uploading it's just been a lot of family issues and whatever...

Word count - 841

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