Chapter 7: Our story

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((the picture of the top doesn't have to do with anything, I just thought it was cute. and I'm so sorry if I get a bit of the backstory wrong I'm going off of what I would think it was.))

Y/n's POV

I figured I should tell them the real story and not make it up so I started with The Tree Feelings.

"So a long time ago a tree was made, but not a normal tree it was called the Tree of Feelings. One side was golden while the other was black, and on the black side there was black apples and on the golden side there was golden apples. Two guardians were made to protect this tree, the one for the golden side was named Dream. The one for the black side was named Nightmare. Unfortunately though the townspeople hated Nightmare and praise Dream..." I said and they nodded so I continued.

"So their creator made another protector of the two guardians. Their name was Y/n and they were the guardian of balance. That didn't matter to the townspeople, they hated Y/n too because they didn't understand balance. And one day Nightmare couldn't take the bullying. So he took one of the golden apples and tried"I cut myself off because my voice was quivering but tried to continue.

"he tried to take care of one of the golden apples but instead It turned black and rotten. That golden apple was now filled with negativity. Nightmare being harassed by the town's people and Y/n and Dream trying to talk to him. He went in the state of panic and.......took a bite of the apple. The townspeople will say it turned them into a monster, It really just turn him into what he is now... But I don't consider him a monster, he's still my brother... But Dream, he was to oblivious and caught up in his own pride to even notice us hurting... I wouldn't say I hate him but I wouldn't say I care for him anymore." I finished and there was a tear streaming down my face.

All five of them on the couch were left there, stunned. I on the other hand I felt a little light-headed and exhausted. My legs started to slightly wobble beneath me but a goopy technical picked me up. It gently set me on the couch, In the spot next to Killer.

"Well now that you know our backstory, do you have any questions?" Nightmare asks, taking a seat next to me.

"Yea, why did Y/n change when you changed into what you are now?" Cross asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Well, Y/n's SOUL is connected to me and dreams so if one of us gets hurt they...change, as In they don't act like themselves." Nightmare answered, lightly patting my head.

"Well...what now?" Killer asked.

"Well right now I must go speak with Y/n, alone" nightmare said and walked up to his room, with me in one of his tentacles.

Once we got there, Nightmare set me down on the bed. he sat next to me and I could feel the emotions coming off him. It was hard to get past all the negativity but I can feel guilt... Why does he feel so guilty? I thought to myself when suddenly Nightmare pulled me into a hug. I was about to say something till I heard him sofly whimper. I immediately hugged him back and tried to comfort him.

"Nightmare, what's wrong?" I asked the whimpering skeleton.

"Y-you could have gotten hurt! I-im supposed to pr-protect you! But I have only gotten you hurt! I'm so sorry..." He said while he looked at me straight In the eyes.

"Night, this Is not your fault! In fact It's mine! I let you guys get hurt and I only added to your bullying because people hated me and-and If I told Dream none of this would have happened! It's all my fault!" I say, tears flowing freely down my face.

He looks shocked at my sudden outburst and hugs me, bringing me into his lap. I wrap my arms around him and cry softly into his shoulder.

"Hey, hey! Don't cry, It's not your fault. Shhh... Shhhhh, It's ok..." Nightmare says soothingly, while rubbing my back.

I eventually calmed down, still hugging Nightmare. I'm shaking a bit violently and Nightmare says, "You should go to sleep, you look exhausted and are exhausted."

"I'm not tired anymore." I say, mumbling into the fabric of his hoodie.

"Heh... Well then sorry about this."nightmare says.

A wave of tiredness hits me making me want to close my eyes. I immediately realized he used his magic to put me to sleep. I give a soft whine in protest but eventually close my eyes and give in to sleep.

Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this is where I wanted to end so I know it's a little shorter than the others. I wanted to get Nightmares character development to show that he's not just an a-hole.

NM: rude

Yeah, yeah, shut your yap but anyways goodbye my little potatoes!

Word count – 878

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