Chapter 2: The townspeople

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Ok so I know I said I would Update this every Sunday but I can't help myself!

Third person POV

You begin to walk down the hill of where The Tree of Feelings was located.
You notice a few kids playing in this park but you pay no mind to them seen as they probably would have insulted you. Ahead see the silver gate of the park. You walk a bit faster hoping to avoid the kids but of course you don't and group of bullies comes up to you. You then remember the pocket knife you always keep on you. You quickly through that thought in the back of your mind seen as you were a non-violent person and short. So you never really did anything about the bullies. Then they started their usual name-calling and whatnot.

"Hey look it's a weirdo balance bitch!"

"Yeah why do they even hang out with Nightmare in the first place?"

"Not like it matters they're just as weird as him!"

You simply tried to ignore them. You walk past them hoping they would let you get away but one of them yanked your arm and made you look at them.
You let out a yelp as they grab your arm rather roughly.

"Awwww we we're just getting started! Shame you have to go so soon but why don't you stay a bit? Hmm?" You rapidly shook your head not wanting anything to do with these a-holes.

"Aww well too bad we already have the whole day planned out for you~" The leader of the group smirked evilly.

With one final burst of energy you manage to break your arm free from the ones grip and run away to the exit. You hear them calling after you but you didn't listen. You have somehow managed to make It In town hiding In an alleyway. You peak your head out to make sure the coast is clear and it is. with that you walk into a small store.

You go into a small refrigerated area and you get a 1-gallon milk carton. You look at the price and see you It's $2.29.
You welcome to the store employee and she take some milk carton from you.

"That'll be $2.29 please!" She said kind of irritated.

You quickly take out your wallet and get $3.00 giving the lady the money. She seemed kind of shocked and and you could see the look in her eyes, she probably expected you to steal It or something. She was about to give you your change when you said

"Keep the change." You said sweetly and she looked completely caught off guard but simply nodded, shoving the change back in the register.

You take the milk off the counter and proceeded to walk back outside. You give a small sigh, thankful you or Nighty had not been hurt today.....yet. a small raindrop drips on your nose breaking you from your thoughts slightly, you think It's probably going to pour down rain soon. A loud shriek from behind you breaks you from your thoughts completely. You slowly turn around to see a woman holding her child protectively, while glaring at you with disgust. You felt slightly uncomfortable with all the pairs of eyes staring at you.

"U-uhh yes miss, what do you-" you didn't even get to finish your sentence before she was full on screaming at you for no reason.


You only lower your head slightly and turn around walking back to the park. It was bad enough with the kids at the park but now it's adults, calling you a demon. You made your way back to the park only to see a crowd of people near The Tree of Feelings. You see Dream trying to hold people back. You sprint up towards Dream, dropping the milk carton on the ground. You did not notice nightmare standing by The Tree of Feelings holding a black apple. You look at Dream confused ask a question.

"DREAM!! What's going on?!" You yell at the now panicked looking Dream.

"N-NIGHTMARE!! H-HE-" you didn't even give dream a chance to finish his sentence before turning to face The Tree of Feelings.

You see your brother there holding a black apple and you notice all the apples on the tree are now black. You gave him a very concerned and worried look as he looked back at you with shock and fear in his eye lights.

"Nightmare w-what happened...?" You ask.

"I-i thought my apples for just as good so I grabbed one of dreams thinking I could take care of it!" He yelled, panic rising in his voice. Dream soon stood next to you.

"Brother!! We can fix this! Me and Y/n just want to help you so please set the apple down and we can talk about this!" Dream yelled, desperate to help our brother.

Nightmare though, In his panicked state did the only thing he thought he could do.

Take a bite of the apple...and boy what a mistake that was....

After he swallowed the bite of the apple he immediately screamed in pain, dropping himself and the apples to the ground. You wanted to help him but dream was holding you back. Even though he was oblivious, he knew this was dangerous.

You could only watch your brother scream In pain as tentacles sprouted from his eye sockets and covered his body In a goopy substance. Four tentacles sprouted from Nights back and he rised from the ground, a wicked smirk on his face. Dream let me go and I stood next to him, very scared of this new Nightmare.

But then It hits you... The pain...

Because for some stupid reason your mother aka The Tree of Feelings thought It would be a good idea to connect your soul to Dream and Nights soul. You see whenever dream or nightmare would get hurt you would become not yourself but only for a limited amount of time as long as they were hurt or whatever else. What would happen to you Is you would become full of hate for things and people. But as I said it only lasts for a limited amount of time...unless It wasn't limited amount of time....

But anyways you clutch your chest where your soul Is In pure pain. You tightly closed your eyes gritting your teeth waiting for this pain to go away. But then you feel different. You slowly remove your hand from your chest and a smile appears on your face except it wasn't caring It wasn't loving It was.........psychotic. You slowly open your eyes facing your two brothers they were no longer gentle caring eyes instead they were filled with bloodlust.

You were no longer yourself.

Yay!!! Two chapters In a day I'm so proud of myself and see I told you I had a lot of inspiration to write this book!! so instead of having a schedule where I post on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or whatever, I will be posting whenever I have a new chapter done. Alright bye my little potatoes!

Word count - 1231

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