Chapter 1: Normal day

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Third-person POV

You flutter your eyes open the glint of the bright morning sun shining In them. The light suddenly disappeared and reappeared at a rapid rate as the leaves and apples on The Tree of Feelings wavered back and forth. You felt two presences next to you as you turn your head just a bit to see your two brothers.

The first one was wearing a yellow cape with a golden ball with a star engraved on it connecting the two pieces of fabric to make It a cape. He was wearing a Golden crown with two piece of gold going up and down on each side. He had yellow gloves on as well as a golden belt with engravings named DS as well. With the the lapis blue colored pants as well as the yellow boots with light blue straps. The last article of clothing was a a turquoise blue jacket with a white and gold trim around It. This was dream, the guardian of positive emotions. In other words you're happy-go-lucky brother.

While the other had a black jacket and no cape with a golden and white trim as well. He had a golden belt with engravings on it NM. He had black boots with golden straps and black pants. Atop his head was a crown with a crescent moon engraved in it. This was Nightmare, the guardian of negative emotions. Again he was your brother but much more mundane then dream.

You let out a small yawn as you got up from your comfy spot from the tree and stretched. With a sigh you put your hands down walk towards your house that was a little bit away from The Tree of Feelings but not too far so where you could still see it.

((Okay I know they didn't have a house but just bear with me alright?))

This house was basically where you kept your clothes and there's a dining table as well as some food there. You got up towards the house and bend down since there was a welcome mat and underneath that was a key to the house. You flipped over the mat to reveal of silver key, you grabbed it and flipped the mat back over, standing back up. You put the key into the lock and turn It, It works like a charm of course.

You pull the key out of the lock placing It In your pocket and slowly open the door, It creaks a bit but not too loud. With that you walk inside and close the door behind you flicking on the light switch to reveal your In the main hallway. To your right there is a doorway to the living room with a small couch and TV. To your left is the kitchen with a dining table, chairs, cabinets, sink, silverware and other kitchen utensils.

a little bit of head of you there are two other doorways. One to a bedroom and one with a door to a bathroom. You walk Into the bedroom which It's really not a bedroom considering It doesn't have a bed and only a big closet. You walk over to the closet and grabbed your normal clothes and proceeded to walk out of the room. You walk over to the bathroom door opening and closing it behind you, making sure to lock It just In case.

You change into your normal outfit which Is a F/c jacket with a white and gold trim. You also have a golden belt with the engravements of your first initial and last Initial of your first name. ((For example take what I call myself Midnight It would be MT)) you have a Golden crown on top of your head with a yin and yang symbol on It. You have 2F/c pants on and 3F/c boots with F/c straps. You brush your H/c hair and teeth. Who were you? Your name Is Y/n and you were the guardian of balance.

You walk out of the bathroom proceed to go in the kitchen going to make breakfast. You grab a carton of eggs and proceeded to put them on the counter along with other ingredients to make bacon and eggs. You put a pan on the gas stove and put up with oil in it and turn up the heat. You crack six eggs into a large bowl and proceeded to mix some up with salt, pepper and a splash of milk.

((When did this become a cooking tutorial XD))

You pour the egg mixture Into the pan and It begin sizzling, you move it around with the spatula. A couple minutes later the eggs and bacon we're done when you place them evenly on three plates. You take out three glasses and three forks from the cabinet and drawer. You place a fork next to each plate as well as a glass. you grab the milk carton back out of the fridge in pursuit of the poor into the two cups for your brothers. You ran out of milk before you can give yourself any so you decided to have F/d Instead. ((Sorry If your favorite drink is milk!!))

You crush the old milk carton then throw It away in the garbage. You grab three napkins out of a cabinet and hear the front door open. Without even looking you can sense your two brothers aura's.

"Good morning you two!" You say as the two take a seat at the table in front of their breakfast.

"You know Y/n you don't have to cook us breakfast every morning right?" The positive ball of energy says.

"Yeah I know but I figured I would since you guys always wake up after me." You said as Dream shrugs and Nightmare smiles in rolls his eye lights.

You all finished breakfast and you put the plates, forks and cups in the sink and throw the napkins away. You were going to wash the dishes now but you decided against It. You quickly snatched your wallet from the counter and shove It In your pants pocket. You begin to walk to the door until nightmare calls your name.

"Y/n! Where are you going?" He asked confused.

"Well I have to go out to the store to get more milk since we're out, don't worry I'll be back soon!" With that you hand him the key to the house and walk out the door, closing It behind you.

you smell the crisp morning air it's calming but something Is on your nerves.

It just feels like something's going to go horribly wrong today.

Alright I hope you enjoy this first chapter! I feel like I'm gonna have a fun time writing this but anyways I'll see you next time my little potatoes!

Word count- 1146

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