Chapter 4: Return

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((You fight with a knife but normal sized, yes you can pick the color))

Your POV

I glanced over at Nightmare, he look just as surprised as me. He looked over at me to and I could see the confusion in his eye. I soon looked away from him and I'll look back at dream glaring at him with hate.

"Oh, Nightmare and Y/n I was wondering when you show up with them but I thought you'd show up with cross and error to!" The painter says with a cocky grin.

Nightmare soon give us a sign which was to attack. The fight started, Nightmare took Ink head on while Dust and Horror attacked blue. Me and killer were fighting dream, and I'm not going to lie he was stronger then last time. Right now I was dislodging a bone for my shoulder.

I soon got the bone out and turned to Killer and Dream. Killer was on the ground. Semi-unconscious....FUCK!! Dream look at me with a sorrowful expression. I looked at him confused and before I could react Dream shot an arrow at me and It went through my chest. I screamed out In pain, gripping the arrow tightly. I started bleeding rapidly and getting lightheaded. I think shit, did that hit a vital organ or something??

My legs felt like Jell-O and I soon toppled over In the snow, stomach first.

((Forgot to mention, your In this au's Snowdin))

Making the arrow go basically all the way through my chest. I let out a small whimper unable to scream due to exhaustion. Though thankfully I heard a small groan next to me signalling Killer was not somewhat unconscious anymore but...The world soon faded to black.

You passed out, due to blood loss.

Third-person POV

Nightmare glanced over at how his allies were. Dust and Horror were doing a good job fighting Blue whom was getting tired because two maniacs were trying to kill him. Nightmare soon looked away and glanced at Dream...Killer and Y/n though he was meet with a very bloody sight.

Killer was fighting Dream viciously but were you? His eye darted around till he saw scarlet blood coating the snow and In the middle of all the blood was you. His Cyan eye widened when he saw the arrow sticking threw your body which thankfully you were still breathing. He always knew there was bad things about being human and being on this team. Like blood loss for example or organs or- really the list could go on and on.

He was about to rush over to you but Ink blocked his way with his giant paint brush .

"Not so fast Nightmare, we are not finished yet!" Ink yelled and Nightmare growled In response.

"You stupid painter!" Nightmares spat In a low voice and lunged at him.

This was going to be a long day.

Your POV

I opened my eyes slightly as I felt roaring pain through my entire body. My vision was blurry, my ears were ringing and I felt like I was laying on something very cold and wet. I blinked a couple of times to regain my vision and eventually did, I was lying on snow.

The ringing in my ears still remained though. I push myself off the ground with what little strength I had left and leaned against one of the many trees. I felt like there was something sticking out of my back so you reach a hand behind myself. I was able to grab something and pull It out but not without having to grit my teeth and have searing pain go through my entire body. I saw it was one of Dreams arrows and I remember the events that just took place.

I place a hand on my chest were the arrow was, to hold some of the blood In. I look down at my F/c jacket that was now soaked in blood, the white shirt underneath the jacket was probably stained now. You look up a bit to see Dream and Killer fighting and Killer doesn't seem to take notice of me. I see my knife laying a few feet In front of me and I stumble over too It, successfully I grabbed It.

I limped towards Dream who had his back turned to me. He was aiming  his bow at Killer who was stuck with blue bones. Dream was about to release when I plunged the knife Into his chest, missing his SOUL though. He screamed In pain, dropping his bow. I retracted the knife from his chest, shoving It In my pocket. Dream quickly teleported away probably over to where Blue and Ink were.

The blue bones release killer and he drops the ground on his feet steadily. He looks up and sees me his eye sockets  widen before he runs up to me.

"Y/n!! Are you okay!?!" He practically screams at me.

"Y-yea, besides probably losing hALF OF MY DAMN BLOOD IN MY BODY!!" I screech and he flinches.

we will soon hear footsteps and we turn our heads to see Horror, Dust and Nightmare. They all look concerned and Nightmare looks the most concerned which slightly surprises me.

"Are you both all right?" Nightmare says genuinely concerned.

"I mean I'm fine besides a fractured arm but I don't know about Y/n since they-" I quickly cut killer off by putting a hand over his mouth, I didn't want that I didn't want to seem weak in front of the others.

"What killer means is that I'm fine, really but are those idiots gone now, Ink, Blue and Dream?" I asked to no one specific.

"Yes, they ran off but now let's return to the castle." Nightmare said, looking at me.

We all nodded and Nightmare made a portal back to the castle we walk through. Though I can feel my consciousness slowly slipping away. I force myself not to pass out and proceed to walk up to my room I made It up the stairs and was about to go to my room. That Is until a slimy appendage wrapped around my waist and lifting me a couple inches off the ground.

"You shouldn't lie to your boss Y/n and especially not your own brother." He mumbles the last part but I still heard it.

I spin around the tentacle to face Nightmare causing myself to whine In pain but ignored It and looked at Nightmare.

"What do you mean Nightmare?" I say trying to act innocent.

He just sighs and carries me to his room he closes the door behind him once he gets in and gently lays me down on the bed. I immediately tried to sit up but was pushed down by Nightmare.

"You need to lie down, you're injured." He states calmly.

"W-what I'm not injured!!" He gives me a 'Bitch u think I'm dumb?' look.

"Yes you are, I saw the arrow that was impaling you and besides look at your now white bloody shirt and hoodie." I do was told and looked down to see my hoodie caked in blood and my white shirt showing a bit which is now blood red.

"Oh..."that's all I say before nightmare scoops me up In his arms and puts a boney hand on my back where the wound Is.

I tried to struggle out of this grip but to no avail because he only grips tighter. Eventually I accept my fate and went limp In his arms. He soon starts to use.... HEALING MAGIC??! I DIDN'T KNOW WE HAD HEALING MAGIC!!

"N-nightmare, I didn't know you had a healing magic..." I say looking at him confused.

"I do but it takes up a bit of magic for me to use it since you know I am made of negativity." He responds and I nod, leaning Into his grip.

It was kinda hard to keep consciousness but I couldn't and kinds fell asleep In Nightmares arm's.

Nightmares POV

I was breathing heavily from all that magic I just used. I soon feel Y/n relax In my arm's and look down to see them sleeping. I chuckle quietly and get up, making sure they are secure In my arm's and they are. I teleport to their room and set them down on there bed, tucking them In ((Awwww NM Is so sweeeet =3)). I teleport to my back to my room but not before gently patting there head. Once I am back In my room I begin to think.

How did Dream escape?

Isn't Nightmare such a sweet guy awwwwwwww- *gets bitch slapped by Nightmare*



Ink said differently last night~

NM: O\\\\\~\\\\\O

That's what I thought so bye my Little potatoes!!

Word count - 1483

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