Chapter 6: Normal...?

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Y/n's POV

I was currently pinned to the ground, trying not to make too much negativity or else Nightmare would know. I didn't want him to know that I led these idiots here! That was kind of hard not making negativity when your whole body is sore and you just want to die. Ink and Blue we're both pinning me down while Dream was getting a bucket of water, again.

"Dream! Please, you don't know what that could do!" I said, trying to plead with dream.

Dream sighed and said, "i'm sorry Y/n but I'm just trying to help you. And this is the only options we have..." Dream said sadly and walk towards me with a bucket full of water.

I begin to shake, it was the first time in a while I felt fear. Ya see I could feel other emotions than just hate or anger but it was very rare. Then a small ping was sounded indicating that my SOUL was not no longer in my body, instead in front of me. My SOUL was completely covered in black goop. Dream gave one last sigh before rasing the bucket of water and getting ready to throw it over my SOUL.

Tears pricked the corner of my eyes as I tried to brace myself for the pain that was about to come. I eventually hear the splashing of the water and searing pain all around me. It made me want to scream out in pain but I wasn't going to do that in front of the enemy. I didn't want to look weak. Eventually feel that ink and blue are no longer pinning me, with a bit of difficulty I stand up.

I see my SOUL hovering a few inches in front of me and it's no longer covered in black goop but was a shining S/c. ((SOUL color)) I looked at my SOUL in awe, I haven't seen it in that color in years. It went back in my chest and I could feel all of my emotions coming back besides just hate and anger.

"Y/n!!!" I heard voices yell behind me and I turned around to see the gang.

I just sighed and walked towards them and stood beside them turning back around to face dream, Ink and Blue. Dream looked shocked that his little plan didn't work.

"Y-Y/n? Didn't it work? Isn't the corruption gone?" Dream asked, tears threatening to spill from his eye sockets. I just groaned and tried to explain to him.

"Dream you can't exactly reverse corruption, it's a part of you forever and water isn't going to get rid of it. And besides even if it did go away that wouldn't change my opinion about you!" I stated, kinda yelling the last part.

This started a whole argument and the Bad Sanses and the 'good' Sanses argued. Well I just didn't care but it felt like my stomach just turned over and I felt sick. I ran over to one of the many trees surrounding the castle and leaned on it, the others seemed to not noticed me. I hunched over and vomited, but it wasn't normal puke, It was black goop.

I was still hunched over, one of my hands on my knee is while the other was wiping my mouth of the residual goo. I panted and stood up straight and looked back at the still arguing, except Cross. Cross walked up to me and pulled me into a hug, I was confused but hugged back. Soon I felt him shaking though and I realized Cross isn't really one for yelling or loud noises.

Cross was how you say, a smol Bean. He wasn't innocent though, definitely not! I gently shushed him and kinda rocked him in my arms so he would calm down. Once he was calmed down I put him next to the tree.

"Cross, wait here I'm going to go talk to them, ok?" I asked, and he nodded still shaking just a tad.

I turned away and walked back to the arguing group. It was quite loud so I could see why Cross was scared. So I decided to make them shut up.

"EVERYBODY, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I screeched and they immediately stopped arguing.

"First off, you made smol cri!" I said, pointing to Cross.

"And second of all..." I say and walk up to the dream and kick him where the sun doesn't shine and he fell over. "You deserved that." I say and walk back over to the gang.

Ink, blue and Dream eventually left and we walked back over to Cross. Nightmare gently lifted him up by the waist with one of his tentacles and we walked back to the castle. when we got back Nightmare set Cross down on the couch and me and him tried to go upstairs to discuss what just happened. Except the rest of the Bad guys blocked our way.

"What is it?" Nightmare asked in a kind of nervous tone which got me curious.

"Ok Nightmare! We all heard you maybe besides Y/n but they already know! You two are freaking siblings of Dream!" Dust yelled out catching me completely off guard.

"You - you don't know that! You're making a pretty strong accusation here Dust!" I yell out, trying to find a way to prove dust is wrong....but he isn't wrong...

"Well actually it's right we heard it come from Dream himself!" Horror backed Dust up.

Nightmare just let out a long sigh and said, "You would explain the story, Y/n. I need to think some things out." What's that nightmare went upstairs into his room.

"What the fuck Nightmare?" I muttered under my breath but eventually sighed and said, "All right everybody, follow me to the living room."

They all nodded and followed me into the living room, where I made them sit down on the couch. I stood in front of them and got ready to tell this long story.

"All right so where do I even begin..."

Hello, I know I let this chapter on a cliffhanger but I am going to explain the backstory in the next one so don't worry! So for now, goodbye my little potatoes!

Word count - 1050

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