Season 1: Colin Wilson

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Let me tell my tale of the events.

It was September 30, 2019, when I got the news. I couldn't believe what had happened. It seemed like something that would happen in the show, not here, not in the real world. If all this was true then everything would be ruined. Weeks of learning lines, months of practice, years of planning. This would put all of us on the line. Not just in our jobs but our careers. It was a week of nightmares because The Child had been...kidnapped.

I was rudely awoken by the sounds of phones going off in my home. By the time I pulled myself out of bed I had collected three more phone calls in different rooms. I figured this was an emergency judging by the hundreds of text messages and voicemails I had gotten. I picked up the phone to hear someone yell, "I've got him!" I could then hear frantic movement and then the head of production security was put on the line.

"Thank god I got ahold of you," He said, "The Child's been kidnapped!"

At that point, I had not yet had my morning coffee and was still rather confused at what was going on.

"The Child?" I questioned groggily, trudging into the kitchen. I looked at the clock and groaned, it was 4:47 am.

"Yes, The Child!" He practically screamed.

"Look I don't know who's child is gone and I'm sorry but couldn't you have waited until a decent hour to ca-"

"No, The Mandalorian child! The Child! The child that is going to get us all fired if we don't find it!"

That woke me up quickly. "THE Child?" I panicked. "Why didn't you say it was THE Child?" I practically screamed back, "if The Child is gone we could all lose our jobs. Are you sure it's gone? And not actually misplaced?"

"I'm sure. We've combed this place bare since three this morning."

"Three?" I practically whispered, rushing to get my pants on. "What an ungodly hour," I thought to myself.

"Yes, three." He sighed, "I have the whole place on lockdown no one is getting out now. I have set a perimeter around the studios and have four different people running through the security cams.

"Okay," I said aloud, "Is there anything else missing? Costumes, set-pieces, cameras?"

"It's just him, along with the remotes that control him."

"Dear god," I breathed, tying my other shoe. "Who else knows about this?"

"Well, I have yet to tell the directors and the producers in hopes it would just be an oversight. But it's very real."

"Does the press know?" I rushed grabbing my coffee and keys.

"No, I doubt they're awake yet."

"Good," I said, "Keep it that way. We do not need an uproar before Jon Favreau finds out. I need as few people knowing about this as possible. Call up the team who controls the child and write down all the details NOW. As soon as that clock hits five am call the directors. Tell him that he has a meeting at six am so we can figure this whole thing out and I want a full-scale report on what happened ASAP."

"Yes sir," he said, "Anything else I can alert people to?"

"Tell Janet to keep the coffee coming, it's gonna be a long day. stories live. Discover now