Found and Caught

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The street was flooded with cars and better yet, Mandalorians. I am pretty sure if I could see anyone's face they all would have been wearing looks of shock. Especially since it was only 6:00 am now.

"We have an akaan'ade1." Green Leader said.

"It worked," I breathed. I heard the rustling of fabric as their heads turned to look at me. "I was concerned," I said in my defense. I heard Blood heart sigh as I opened the car door. getting out, I surveyed the crowd, and it was a crowd. I have never seen so many Mandalorians, even at Comic-Con. I saw what must have been hundreds of masks standing there looking at watches waiting, ever so patiently for the clock to strike 7:15 which is when they would receive the coordinates. I made sure no one would attack in the night and take matters into their own hands.

We all had our posts to go to that day and we moved to them immediately. Running through cross streets Blood heart and green leader would take the west side and go into the building. Shadow and the Kid would go around the east side and do the same. I had the task of making sure that he never left through the front.

I snuck past the hoards of Mandalorians seeking gra'tua2 and reached the front door. Looking to my left I saw Green Leader at the ready. I also saw the Kid to my right. I busted in the front door and heard the others follow suit, guns blazing. The villain stood up in shock and reached back to grab his weapon, but Blood heart cracked him over the head and he hit the floor. He almost got back up but she put her foot on his chest and held a gun to him.

"WOAH! Woah," he said, trying to calm her (though I could see he was failing), "I am not the villain here."

"JEHAATIR3!" Green leader shouted.

"hettir o'r haran hut'uunla shabiir4!" Bloodheart shouted at him.

Shadow heaved him off the floor and cuffed him to a chair.

"I don't know who you people think you are but I-"

"We aren't people," I said, to his great surprise, "Not after what you did. Now we are monsters."

"I found him!" the Kid called. Blood heart went to assist him in bringing out the supplies and the child. Our attention snapped to the child as she entered. I could tell she was uncomfortable holding such precious cargo and she held it out to me. I looked at the child's eyes and body and nodded to my team. They sighed in relief.

"Get a box," I ordered. I saw the villain try to move but Green leader cocked his gun and aimed it at the man's head. The kid came over with a box and Bloodheart dropped a duffel bag onto the floor next to it.

"Is that the money?" Shadow asked.

"NO! My money!" the villain cried out. "You have the child, don't take my money!"

"The money isn't yours," Shadow growled.

"Kaysh mirsh solus5," Green leader said in disbelief.

"No, just desperate," I said, "drag him up to the roof."

"THE ROOF? What are you going to do with me there?" the cuffed man screamed as he was drug out.

"You'll find out," I said.

1. Army

2. Vengeance

3. Lies!

4. Burn in hell cowardly screw up

5. He's an idiot (Literally: His brain cell is lonely) stories live. Discover now