The Meeting

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The last Mandalorian grunted up the ladder and finally made it onto the roof. I recognized his helmet colors. "Green leader," I said, holding out a hand, "I am Alor'ad 1."

"You know me as Green leader but I will go where you lead," he said firmly taking my hand

"I thank you." I turned to the yellow masked person standing before me. He was not as filled out as the other man, by a long shot. "And I presume you are Yellow leader?" I asked, extending a hand.

"This is the only helmet I could find," he sighed, shaking my hand. He sounded young and we all looked at him funnily.

"I don't think we should be taking the kid with us." my buddy in black said.

"I am not a kid," he said.

"Well, I don't think you are old enough to go, kid."

She saw three heads turn to look at her in confusion then go back to their earlier focus.

"I think he should come," Green leader said, "If he is capable, it shouldn't matter how old he is."

"I agree. Can you handle yourself in a fight?"

"I have been in three fights against someone bigger than myself and won twice."

"I'd say he's capable." I saw Blood heart and Green leader nod their heads. "Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce Blood heart and..." I looked at him unsure of his chosen name.

"Shadow," he finished.

"And Shadow. We are here to discuss our plans for the invasion of the villain who captured the child. Shadow has provided us with a map of the street that the man is said to be located."

"It is rumored that he is living with his aunt. But that theory is highly unlikely as all family member's houses are being monitored by the police. However, his aunt has a second property that he has possibly rented. That information is not concrete, but what I do know is that he is there."

"What's stopping us from going over there right now and just holding a covert operation?" the kid asked.

"The knowledge that we will get arrested," Blood heart chimed in, "we are too recognizable."

"So instead we are going to round up the entire California Mandalorian Mercs costume club and go storm his place," I said.

"How is that less recognizable?" Green leader asked.

"You underestimate how many people are infuriated and how many people there are in the group," I answered. He still looked concerned. "Trust me Blood heart and I have poured over this plan. We think this is the best option. We'll have the group surround him and attack only that one house. Then we will go inside and collect the child. I advise I be the only one addressing him to keep our anonymity. From then we will get out of there, return the child, and have the rest of the Mandalorians execute ba'slan shev'la 2."

"Return the child?" the kid asked, "to who? The police? They'll take us down in seconds."

"That's the one part we haven't figured out yet," Blood heart said, "we need someone with an alibi, who won't turn us in and has nothing to gain from all of this."

"I may know a guy," Shadow said, "he's a producer who was seen on camera the night of."

"How do you know that information?" The kid asked. All eyes shifted to Shadow.

"That is something few should know. I would like to remain just a shadow so that we can work together and gain gra'tua 3 on this asshole.


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