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Our plan was flawed. Very flawed. But it was currently the best option we had. Blood heart, the informant, was lost in deep thought. She was occasionally giving me directions to where I was to drop her off.

"Turn here at the next light," I heard her say. She was weird. Around one person she was really confident, but not around a group. She would take an uber at night to a guy's house she barely knew but not to a park. Granted my house was the lesser of two evils but it still wasn't safe. I was curious, too curious at this point.

"Can I ask you something?" I said to her.

"I cannot guarantee an answer, but go on ahead," she replied.

"Why were you so awkward around the group?"

She paused, if she was making a facial expression I couldn't see it. "I know Green leader beyond the mask," she finally said, "He is a good guy and trustworthy but he just makes me uncomfortable."

I was confused, "why?"

She sighed. "He is close to someone I am no longer allowing into my life."

"Oh." I turned onto the street she directed me to. "So a family member?"

"I don't think that's any of your business," she replied, her tone moving towards the offensive.

"You're right," I said, "but if he is going to be a problem or cause a problem I need to know now."

"He and I haven't spoken for a while, but I have always known Ma-er," she paused, almost revealing Green leader's alter ego, "him to be logical and able to put prejudice aside to get a job done."

I nodded as I pulled up to her apartment, her car nowhere in sight.

"You gonna be ok for tomorrow?" I asked motioning to the empty driveway.

"Yeah," she chuckled, getting out of the car, "I have friends who can help."

We said our goodbyes and I departed for home.

The next day I worked more on our plan. The news was all over the Mandalorian. The cast and crew were all being let go. This made the fandom very angry. I could tell that they were ready to do anything to restore these people's hopes even if it meant risking jail time.

I eventually managed to explain a plan to the masses. There were to be no houses touched, no words spoken, no one injured. At 7:00 am on October the 5th they would arrive at a set location to destroy the villain.

Regardless of if the judicial system incarcerated him, he would still pay dearly.

In the early hours of the morning of the 5th, the whole team assembled at my house fully dressed in Mandalorian beskar. Each of us had two guns strapped to either side of us. Except for Yellow kid.

"Why don't I get a gun?"

"Because you're underage," Shadow replied. But Shadow's black armor and intimidating presence did not sway the kid.

"We are breaking multiple laws already. What's one more?"

"Can you shoot a gun?" Green leader's gruff voice asked.

"I have. Once," the kid mumbled. Blood heart put her head in her hand out of annoyance.

"Well then now it becomes an issue of safety." Green leader said. "Say you hit one of us. This may be armor but it won't shield from a bullet."

"Says you," the kid quipped.

"Well of course I said it. God didn't speak from heaven did he?"

I heard Blood heart snort. I couldn't blame her for laughing. That amount of sass was slightly odd coming from the bigger man.

"Did you actually snort?" Shadow asked, now laughing himself.

I could almost feel her embarrassment as she chuckled, "I supposed I did."

"Can we get back to the matter at hand, please?" the kid said, causing all the adults to laugh.

"Don't worry," Shadow said clamping his shoulder, "you'll grow up someday. In the meantime, you can use a sword."

"Shouldn't I NOT bring a knife to a gunfight?" he questioned.

"Speaking of a fight we need to go get it," Blood heart commented, "Shadow do you have his location?"

"Yeah, his house is on Jefferson ave we need to get going." I nodded and we piled into my car. Surprisingly it fit us all the Kid and Shadow were complaining the entire way about being stuffed into the back. I could even feel the daggers going into the back of my head from Blood heart who also got stuffed back there. However, I did manage to keep myself from laughing until we made it to the street to which we saw something that silenced us all. stories live. Discover now