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When I arrived at the meeting room Jon Favreau had gotten there first.

"What do you mean The Child's gone?! He couldn't have just disappeared!" He screamed at the security team.

"Sir we checked every room in the whole facility multiple times-"

"How many times?" He interrupted.

"Three or four times sir," The same quivering officer said.

The director looked up and saw me enter and sighed in disappointment. "Go check the facility again and let me speak to Mr. Wilson for a moment.

"Colin what are we looking at here," Jon said, "because I cannot have a missing child. The fans will riot, the actors will riot. Heck, I'm rioting! We can't start production until The Child is returned, half our actors won't do it.

I groaned in exasperation, "This is going to take months of work to fix. And it's gonna cost us, big time. I don't know what the best move is here have you talked to anyone else?"

"I've talked to everyone and their mother. Producers, directors, actors the head of security. Everyone. The only people who don't know yet are the press."

I heard a knock, sound at the door and Janet poked her head in. "I am sorry to have eavesdropped but that may not be so true anymore."

Jon's eyes widened. "WHAT?" He screamed.

"My sister just texted me asking if I was alright. Someone must have told the press there had been a break-in. But they also said that people had gone missing," Janet said as calmly as ever.

"I'll talk to the press and pacify them," I said to Jon, "You see how fast we can get a new Child."

"I don't want to get a new child," he said.

"That may be our only choice right now. Unless you can convince the actors to work with a full CGI child."

"I'll see what I can work out with Legacy Effects."

We both nodded and set to our tasks. I quickly gathered an impromptu conference with the reporters outside, much to my dismay.

"I know you have all heard the rumors," I began, "So I am here to put those rumors to rest." I heard the world go silent, awaiting my voice. "There was a break-in. but nothing was destroyed. We are still checking to be absolutely sure that nothing has gone missing."

"That's not true." I heard a reporter say. The crowd parted so we all could see her. She was holding her recording device to her phone.

"I am sure you are mistaken," I said, hoping to divert the attention off of her.

"No, I have a source that says that you have something missing. Something important, something that could halt production if not returned."

"What makes you say that?" I ask. Silently pleading she had some information I could use.

"I am on the phone with..." she paused in shock, " the man who kidnapped The Child!"

With that, the crowd exploded with questions. The head of Security and I exchanged panicked glances. But before I could say anything the lone reporter had moved to the front of the stage and was showing the crowd the picture the culprit had sent. It was our poor puppet and all of the controls needed to make him realistic.

The head of security and I hurriedly closed the "meeting" and ushered the woman inside to see if she could help us any further with our missing child.

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