Season 2: The Stranger

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Let me tell my tale of the events

It was the afternoon of October the 1st when I got the news. I couldn't believe what I was reading. It seemed like something that would happen in the show, not here, not in my reality. If all this was true then everything would be ruined. Days of anticipation, weeks of preparing, months of waiting. This would put all of us on the line. Not just the line between right and wrong but between what was crazy and what was just crazy enough. It was a few days of stress, hope, and dedication because the child had been...kidnapped.

I woke up that morning to the sound of my alarm going off. It was just a mundane Tuesday morning. After grabbing my breakfast of cinnamon toast crunch and orange juice, I put on my suit and headed out to my car. On my way out I straightened my tie in the mirror and saw my Mandalorian armor in the background. Before I left I grabbed my keys, attached to a mythosaur skull pendant, and tucked them in my pocket.

I was listening to the radio as I drove into work. It wasn't an exciting job but I liked it nevertheless. I pulled up to my office and sat down in my cubicle. Work was dull and dreary today but I didn't mind. When lunch came around my coworkers were all in the lunchroom. That was strange. It was even stranger when they asked me to sit down.

"What's going on?" I asked, sitting in the provided chair.

"We have a piece of news that you may react unexpectedly too," my coworker said.


"It has been said that the child, from the set of The Mandalorian," she sighed, "has been kidnapped."

It seemed as if time had stopped or at least slowed and my thoughts came racing at me. "The child was...gone? No wonder they had me sit down, they thought I was gonna pass out," I thought to myself. I felt the Mythosaur skull in my pocket for assurance and put on a brave face.

"Oh no," I said, "That isn't good." I felt the room sign with relief at my muted reaction.

"How are you feeling?" a woman asked, as the room shuffled out.

"I can't say I'm happy about this."

"But you're somewhat ok right?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm gonna be fine," I said reassuringly. I headed back to my cubicle and my best friend and fellow member of the Mandalorian Mercs fan group came up to me.

"You aren't ok are you?" he said, sitting down.

"My blood is boiling. Why would someone steal something like that? You have crowns and cars to take and yet you take a priceless puppet? Why?" I fumed.

"I think the 'why' is answered in the fact that the child is a priceless being," he said reclining on the other rolling chair.

"This is true. Do you know if they have any leads on who did this?"

"I asked my buddy in the force and he said that a former security guard took the child and is now demanding ransom."

"Of course they are. The cycle never stops. Ori'dush men ratiin copad or'atu [1]," I said, speaking in Mando'a.

"You got that right," my buddy chimed it. We both paused lost in the moment. "Hey, do you think that they'll pay the ransom?"

"I don't know. But I hope that they don't. I hope they catch this hut'uun [2]," I commented.

"And if they don't?" my friend asked, pessimistic as usual.

"Well then we take matters into our own hands," I said calmly, turning to face him, "Gar ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade [3]."



1- Evil men always want (ambition) more

2- coward

3-You don't mess with Mandalorians stories live. Discover now