This is the Way

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It was early in the morning on October 5, 2019, when I was awoken by someone banging at my door. I groaned as I pulled myself out of bed and put on my robe. I caught a glimpse of my alarm clock, 1:03 p.m it read.

"Shoot, I'm late," I grumbled, thumping down the stairs to my front door, "that's probably Jon, telling me I'm fired."

I flung open my front door to see three Mandalorians. Two on the porch and one standing by the car. They were wearing full Mandalorian armor and had two pistols at each of their sides. The leader was wearing all silver armor and it looked like it had been taken from the set of The Mandalorian, except he had no signet on his shoulder plate. The female was wearing red armor and the man at the car was wearing green. Strangely enough, I was not frightened by them, but I must have made the strangest face because the female Mandalorian next to him chuckled. The leader sighed and shook his head at her.

"We have the kid," he said calmly. I looked at him confused.

"The kid?" I asked.

"the child," he repeated, holding out the child to me.

At this, the reality began to sink in. I began to shake as I took the small creature from him. "I-I... how?" I asked, looking back at him.

"That is a story few should know," he said. I, still dumbfounded and confused, looked over the child to make sure he was not injured.

"He is not injured," The Mandalorian said, sharing a secret nod with his partner, "We also have his controls and the money."

I looked at him in utter shock, as if I could muster any more.

"It should all be there, every control in perfect working order and all the money," he said as another Mandalorian, this time in yellow and white armor, came up and set down a box and walked back to the car.

"All of it?" I asked, looking through the box.

"All of it," he responded. I quickly saw his word was true, or at least mostly true.

"I-I don't know what to say..." I sputtered.

"Say you will take care of him."

"I have so many questions."

"I can only provide so many answers."

"What do you ask for your efforts?"

"We require only the knowledge that he will remain safe."

I thought for a moment, lost in the miracle of it all. "Why me? I finally asked.

"You had an alibi. You could never be framed for taking him. Also, you have security cameras on your porch, you can prove wherever you went and that this conversation happened." The Mandalorian's partner looked at him quickly and he nodded reassuringly at her.

"How did you find me?" I asked, rather concerned for my safety.

"We have connections."

"Well, who are you?" I asked.

"We are Mandalorians. Do you not recognize those with who you work in close contact?"

I nodded knowing I was not going to get a different answer, "how did you get him back? I asked, "the child, I mean."

"That is also not an answer I can supply," he said, turning around to exit.

"Wait!" I said, realizing that they were leaving. They all turned to look at me.

"Why did you do this? You managed to trace the untraceable, catch the uncatchable, and you ask nothing in return. Why?"

"This is the way," he replied, then he left.

I walked into work that day feeling like I was being watched. I knew that my coworkers all thought I was being fired given as I walked into work with a big brown box. But when I walked into the meeting room I didn't even have time to set the box down before Jon had sat me down.

"They caught him," he whispered to me.

"They caught who?" I asked.

"They have the man who captured the child."

"How?" I asked.

"Look at this," he said, turning on the television. The newscaster started talking about "the attack that startled a nation." She went on to say that over a thousand people dressed as Mandalorians flooded a home in Hawthorne California. Police were so stunned at the amount just running towards one home that they didn't do anything to stop it. All that they know that as soon as it came it went and the station reported that someone brought in the man they had been looking for.

I looked at Jon as realization crept over my face. "Jon, I have something you need to see." I opened my box and Jon almost fell over dead. I may have walked into the office feeling like I was in danger, but when I walked out of there I had never felt better. When I told the crew of the great news I had never heard so much cheering. The whole studio was all lit aglow with the joy of the child's return. Taika was practically floating on air.

Nothing could have made my day better but then Janet came up to me with a cup of coffee.

"I am really glad everything turned out all right for you boss," she said.

"Thank you, Janet," I said.

"I suppose that swarm of Mandalorians was always meant to be."

I looked at her in curiosity, "Why do you say that?"

"The Mandalorians always get their man and our Mandalorian with always get his child," she said, smiling.

I laughed. "I suppose you're right," I said as she walked back to her desk. I looked back at Jon who was busy examining the child with the team from Legacy Effects. "This is the way," I said, as I headed off to enjoy my cup of coffee. stories live. Discover now