The Plan

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Sometimes I am grateful for the things that happen in my life.  But I have never been more grateful for lasagna and garlic bread than at that moment, and I love lasagna. But today, it improved my social skills with females.

"So," the informant started swallowing her last bite of garlic bread, "what is the plan."

"Well, I suspect that we aren't the only ones angry about the child going missing."


"So I say we gather up a small group and take the child back," I said sitting back in my chair.

"Really?" she said skeptically, "and how do you suppose we don't get arrested?"

"I...haven't gotten to that part yet."

"Well, I hope you do because I would rather not get arrested." I nodded in agreement, "What about 'how we get the child back?'"

"We sneak in and take the child, and the money. Fighting only if we have to."

"We should all be prepared to fight. Stepping softly but carrying a big stick."

"Agreed," I chimed in.

"But what if we get recognized?" she asked concern etched in her voice.

"We'll have a disguise," I said confidently. She did not share my confidence.

"Like a plastic mask?" she asked, in shock and disbelief, "Look, I hate to break it to you but we can't just all put on Mandalorian armor and sneak anywhere. We'd stick out like a sore thumb."

I was silent at her argument. She was right, we would all stick out. But that made me think. How could I avoid standing out while still not being recognized? I thought of the greatest Star Wars characters and their masking techniques. Some hid on deserted planets others wore helmets, for protection and concealment. Even Mandalorians fought with helmets on, but not to blend in at all.

Then it struck me. "Wait," I said, causing my guest to look up, "our problem isn't that we don't have a good disguise, it's that we don't have enough Mandalorians!"

She looked at me with the same amount of confusion from a few moments earlier. "I don't understand."

"We don't need just a highly functioning team. We also need a mob of Mandalorians"

"A mob?" she questioned, "that's not only crazy, it's also dangerous."

"Hear me out," I said, my argument gaining ground, "If we have a mob of people who tear apart one man's life and affect no one else they would be unstoppable. A force that moves of one body to take down a common foe."

"I see your point but how are we gonna do that?"

I grinned and pulled out my computer. Logging on to my Mandalorian Mercs account I opened a thread raging about the kidnapped child and typed in the phrase: Does anyone wanna go find this guy ourselves?"

I looked at the informant clearly pleased with myself and she just laughed quietly. That didn't knock me off my game though. I slowly figured out the locations for the thief's family members and houses he had made calls from (according to the informant). Little by little an army of Mandalorians in California were on the hunt for the man we had all been looking for. I also discovered the location of every house he had ever lived in from someone he used to know. I set my notifications off and let the internet run its course. By this time tomorrow, I would have an army.

The informant looked at me, rather impressed, and said, "It looks like this might work after all."

"It will, but while that's brewing I need you to bring me a task force prepared to lay it on the line to be the Mandalorians the world needs."

"Me?" she asked, "Why should I be doing this? You know way more people than me."

"Maybe but you know some hardcore fans, ner vod1."

She looked surprised, "How did you know?"

"Your tattoo says 'Verd ori'shya beskar'gam' 2. And it's written in Aurebesh


My sister

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