Gathering the Troops

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The evening of October 2nd was fairly uneventful as I tried to construct a plan on how to "control" a mob from destroying anything else. The informant left soon after the conversation about her tattoo as she had to go back to her job. She was actually really nice, but rather paranoid. I couldn't find out exactly why, but I knew better than to ask. However, the question was still eating at my brain.

But right now I had bigger things to worry about. I had received a text from a Mandalorian who was ready to meet the same night. I must admit I was wildly curious at who he was but he stated he wished to keep his anonymity. I complied knowing that it would be safer for all of those involved to never see each other's faces. Green leader, as he insisted on being called, told me that once the full team assembled they would go over the plan. I suddenly got another text from another Mandalorian who stated that they would help with the invasion.

At this point in my life, I realized that my informant was a bit of a snitch and kept giving out my phone number. Nevertheless, I accepted the help of this new Mandalorian and I told him to tell me his codename. He either was taking a really long time to think of a code name or he had ghosted me. I assumed the latter and instead turned my focus towards making sure it was actually the informant who had sent me these new people.

After hearing her confirmation, I texted each member of the new team our rondevu point. We were to meet at the Alondra Park community building off of Manhattan Beach Blvd at 11:00 pm to discuss our plans. Only your Mandalorian helmets are required. I texted my buddy in the police force who said he could get us a private spot where we could discuss our plans in peace. I agreed since he was the one part of the team I trusted outside the mask. And he wouldn't arrest us for trespassing.

At 10:54 pm I walked outside of my house and locked the door. I turned around and almost jumped two feet in the air. The informant was standing before me in sweat clothes holding a dark red Mandalorian helmet. I held my own silver one in my arm.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"My car ran out of gas, I took an uber here 'cause it seemed safer than arriving at a park," she replied.

I looked at her with confusion but I didn't question it. I have sisters, I know what it means when a girl doesn't feel safe. "I'm glad you trust me enough to come here," I said motioning towards my car.

She followed. "Yeah well I didn't really have anywhere else to go," she said. I stopped just before my car, my head snapping to her. "I meant for this. I am not entirely alone."

I nodded and we both got in my car. I wasn't going to pry. The short car ride was mostly silent and when we pulled up to the street we both put on our helmets and walked out. I saw the familiar cracked black helmet and I heard him call out to me.

"Tion'ad's ogir? 1" He said.

"Ner vod 2, just a stranger," I replied. He nodded, acknowledging both me and the informant beside me.

We all climbed up the ladder to the community building roof and waited for our other members to arrive. We didn't have to wait long as two other cars soon pulled up. We caught sight of a skinny person in a white and yellow helmet and after they clambered up we saw a car pull up to the pathway. The car looked awfully familiar but all cars tend to look the same from a few feet away. A bigger man (or at least I hope it was a man) stepped out and put on a helmet. Soon we had all gotten to our rondevu point and were ready for light introductions.

I had noticed my informant beginning to get fidgety. From my limited knowledge of her, I concluded she was nervous. "You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just didn't realize there'd be this many men."

I shrugged, "you could always push one off the roof."

She laughed quietly, "a tempting offer, Alor'ad 3."

"I suppose it is, Tal kar'ta 4," I said turning to my team.


1. Who's there?

2. My brother

3. Captain

4. Blood heart stories live. Discover now