Abandoning the Mob

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He was brought on top of his roof just in time for us to see the floods of Mandalorians standing in the distance a few blocks away.

Shadow brought him to face me. "Do you see those people in the distance? They won't be so kind to you."

"You call what you are doing kindness?" he spat.

"I call what I'm about to do generous. Do you know what they will do when they catch you?" I paused, "They will beat you until no one can recognize you and then they will kill you and you will be left alone, and in more pain than you could ever imagine."

I saw the villain's eyes go wide with fear knowing I'm right, but trying not to show it. "You're wrong," he said, his voice shaking.

"Am I? When the clocks strike 7:17 we will throw you from the rooftop to the wolves. Where you will be sentenced to dar'yaim1 at the hands of an angry mob." I saw the fear cross through his face. "Or we can throw you in a prison cell where we will leave you to rot at the hands of the law."

"I'll take my chances with this so-called mob," he snapped.

I laughed. How could I not, he either thought I lied or he had no knowledge of what a mob was. I glanced at the people and I realized they were getting bigger and quickly. I looked up at a weird noise coming from above and saw a newsroom helicopter.

"Are you ready to drop him?" I asked since I could see the mob running towards us. The mob moved quickly and quietly. You would not expect such calculated movements from a group of angry people.

"NO wait-" he begged, as Shadow brought him to the edge.

"Yes?" I said slowly.

"Please, I'll do anything! I'll go to jail. I'll confess. Please don't just kill me!" he pleaded.

I nodded to Shadow and he moved the, now bawling villain away from the edge of the roof. The man was quickly picked up and brought off the roof and down a sidestreet. We shoved him into the car and quickly drove off. The rest of the Mandalorians were waiting in the car for us. Shadow blindfolded him as the rest of us took off our helmets. The Kid had changed out of his Beskar and so I watched our prisoner as Shadow changed into his police uniform.

"You were a police officer this entire time?" Green leader asked.

"The less you know about me the better," Shadow answered, "Also now he knows that I'm an officer." The villain seemed not to notice as he was still trying to console himself from that morning's events.

"Sorry," Green leader said. I saw Shadow nod as the car stopped and we let both Shadow and the villain off a few blocks down from the angry mob.

"Your sacrifices will not be forgotten," Blood heart said.

"No. Please, forget it," Shadow said, closing the car door.

Bloodheart drove off, leaving Shadow to turn in the criminal alone.

We then drove to my house ditching the car a few blocks away and scattering to avoid being caught.

We Re-grouped back at my house around 9:30. It had been too eventful of a morning. We each had our masks on for deniability but the silence was almost deafening. Bloodheart had pulled out her phone as Green leader crashed on the couch. I wasn't sure if he was ok at first but I could see his chest rising and falling.

"I think that was successful," the kid said.

Bloodheart chuckled, "Successful for us at least. I doubt that house is going to remain standing much longer."

"True," Green leader chimed in, "I have seen what a mob can do. I doubt any house on that street is going to last much longer."

I grunted my agreement. I wish I could say I actually responded, like a normal being but my mouth was full of garlic bread.

"I wish they wouldn't," Bloodheart said.

"That would make life easier," the kid said, taking the garlic bread I offered him.

"Here, turn on the TV. See if we can't plan our next moves," I said. Blood heart pushed the button as I took the remote and flipped to the local news.

"It seems as if the force really has awakened this morning when around 7:15 Thousands of people wearing Mandalorian armor flooded one house and completely ripped it apart. No other houses seem to have been touched. This is an attack that seems to have stumped officers who didn't know what to make of this, at first peaceful, gathering."


1. Hell or a place you want to forget

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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