decmember 24th

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boy wonder
i dream to be a boy wonder some day
i hope to publish my own books on deep knowledge and poetry
i wish to make my parents proud of who their son became
and not only that
to look back on all the growing pains and be glad i went through all of it
to look at something hard and say it was for the better
to be glad the hard times were pushed through to say i made it through

good and bad days
through the bad days i've been through i notice they give the better ones so much more meaning
the sun shines brighter after weeks of rain
the stars glow brighter the darker the night
sometimes it takes hardship for the flower to bloom

December 24th 2020
this year is unlike the rest but ends the same
with loud getting togethers and lovely gift exchanges
we are all different people who want the same
to be happy to connect to fulfill
maybe twenty twenty was far from perfect
maybe that's okay

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