April 5th

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By the way: I waited four minutes until midnight so It would really be April 5th. What can I say am a man of honesty.

What's this life
A poem about Where I am right now mental health and life wise

I know life exist in the gray and the double edge swords
I know life both amazing and depressing at the same time
I can recognize that but still be confused at the world that lies in front of me
It seems the happier I am the better my life is the more My brain seems to be filled with knots
I spend my days learning about the things I find most I spend my nights unable to sleep consumed with worry
I write passionately about the best of times
I fear what comes if I don't follow the rules
Happy kid enjoying life yet possible obsessive compulsive
Filled with motivation and ideas filled tension and worry
Unafraid to do the irrational
Yet fearful of the future and scared of the silly
Repeating numbers never killed anybody but sure does terrify me
but My family, my learning, my art, my writing
the beautiful things make it all worth wild

Suns and bad paintings
When I find myself afraid of what does not yet exist or what can't hurt me I must remind myself that nothing is that serious
the sun will rise if I write a bad poem a or paint a bad painting
People will still care if things aren't as I think they should be
A bad night does not mean a bad life
And much of this I won't remember next week let alone next year
So much I'll never know and never understand yet maybe that isn't such a bad thing

Best day
Wake up in the morning and study cafe
Music at the thrift store
Coffee with friends
Late nights spent annotating books
the best day isn't so far away

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