April 28th

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Referencing to something without saying it directly

Sometimes there's a feeling when you know what you're walking into
The heart can tell you good things are coming
Other times a sense of wrong comes when someone up there is warning you of what the possible outcomes entail
I can't help but think it's not just me in who's here in this room
Some other soul is giving me these signs
The name they go by isn't what I'm worried about
Although it is nice to know someone is guiding me through life
Telling me things without saying them out loud
Giving me signs with numbers on the clock or leaves on a tree
Because I know it's more then in my mind
So whoever is up there thank you for all you do

A theoretical flower that never dies

Although I'll never have enough authority to say for sure what happens when when the body slowly decomposes to feed the mushrooms I know what I believe in
If we only have one chance to create a lifetime that's a beautiful thing when we live we can live however we please knowing the mistakes won't matter in a century or two
When we die our bodies feed the earth or our ashes spread through the air as we fall off a cliff into the ocean
It's refreshing to know that if it really only is one time we can make it almost anything we want it to be and be the type of individual we wish to become
That if my hair looks bad today it doesn't matter tomorrow let alone next year or when my time comes
And if we have more then one chance to live life on earth that's an amazing thing in itself our souls get to learn what it is to be human many times over again
We get to grow in every direction and see all the spirit wants to see if not this time maybe the next one of the one after that
I like to think that when my times comes after many times I'll become not a human once again but a guide to those who are what i once was
Maybe one of these days I'll get to help someone along their journey and make sure they cope through the things I didn't
And if there is something else something I'm yet to learn of I'm sure it's better than heaven all i know is anyway it works out will be perfect

A type of crystal or shade of purple

Amethyst for calming of the nervous soul and release for what is no longer need
Rose quartz for a pink like love towards yourself and others
Opal for creativity that makes your heart light up
Black tourmaline for clearing out everything that is no longer necessary for the highest good
Tigers eyes for motivation even on days when it seems impossible
Clear quartz for clarity on the foggy on the uncertain
Pearls for sincerity and enlightenment of the mind
Yellow citrine for the confidence to let go and enjoy yourself

Something that is out of place or order. Also can mean wrong or inappropriate

Sometimes less of then not I find myself holding back
I hide my true shade of green and put on a mask of orange
Acting as if I'm someone i'm not
In fear of judgement or what the others think
Scares that the way I live is somehow out of line
Fearful I'll stick out like a bright blue notebook in a pile of purple ones
But I must remind myself that what they think only lives inside their heads
Individuals can say whatever they want so why care
Why bother myself with what could be possible
I've always wanted to be authentic and true to me
So why shouldn't I

A friendly or peaceful bond

We run around your backyard with a soccer ball
Taking time to talk while catching our breath
We laugh until we can't breath
With a rare serious moment in between
We call each other a few times a week
Sometimes going on picnics and reading tarot cards
We make bracelets and talk about anything and everything together
Staying up until the early hours of the morning
We fight hard we play rough
With love even when it doesn't seem like it
We talk about the hard things and what they mean
Sometimes we paint and draw often play a game or two
Life is good when it seems like people are on your side

Extreme and intense memory loss

I don't remember that day very well
I see myself walking but don't remember coming back
I remember slipping up a few days before with no real reason why
So up there my mouth hung open
The next day rummaging through the house for cash
Within days I knew were I was headed
People living the way I was living don't live well
They don't live happy at least not for long
So I felt like I knew what I had to do
I went walking with no intention of coming back
I did but the memory isn't there
I told them everything
Eventually got driven away to some place i'd never been
But the thing is if I hadn't had that day I can't remember I wouldn't be where I am today
I like where I am today I wouldn't want to trade it for what I had before
I don't think everything happens for a reason
At least a good one at that
But from that day I've grown closer to the sun than I've ever been

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