January 14th

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slowly but surely
a poem about escaping depression

Lately I feel as if I've been living my life the wrong way
Hiding away in my bedroom letting me struggles take over
Slowly but surely the pain fades and a new life comes in
The pace doesn't matter much to me as long as we are moving
Moving down a better path to a better path

beautiful boy
A poem about my struggles with gender dysphoria (being transgender)

Since I was young I knew something about me was out of place
Something in my world wasn't as it should be
For so long I couldn't put my finger on it
For some time i didn't understand what was going on within
When I heard the word transgender things fell into place
I didn't tell a soul
I promised myself I never would
The next few years were hard
I didn't see a point in sticking around
I didn't feel like me
Then one day after many trials and tribulations things finally settled in
At first people were surprised or shocked
Some said they knew that it made sense
Even if the reactions hurt i didn't care
I'm finally being me
I still have my struggles
I still hate the sound of my own voice
I still don't feel like the person i see in the mirror
I still feel like this body isn't mine
the world got brighter, but the sun doesn't shine every day
But now my bad days don't compare to what they were before
Because throughout every moment I know i'm being who I'm meant to be

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