Dating Draco would include..part 4 ♡︎

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𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝗼 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝗼𝐲 𝐰𝗼𝐮𝐥𝐝
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 ♥︎ (this one is long)

• You and Draco would have run away, after the war. Defying his parents wishes.

• Draco would hold you extra close at night, knowing he can loose you

• Everytime you would have a hard day Draco would have made your favorite dessert to cheer you up and you would slow dance in the kitchen while you cry into his chest

• Draco suffers night terrors, he would wake up in cold sweat, crying. He will begin to panic if you aren't by his side

• Draco would sometimes use your shampoo when you weren't home because he missed the smell of you

• The day Scorpious was born would be the best day of Draco's life. He would cry to you repeating the words "We made it Y/n, we did it! We survived!"

• Whenever you're not home Draco sleeps on the right side of the bed. He saves the left one, just in case.

• Every morning he brings you a coffee (2 cream 2 sugar) just how you like it. You sit and talk.

• Most of your things are in Draco's dorm. Your toothbrush is next to his, your shampoo bottle sits on the top rack in the shower untouched just there for you. Although sometimes Draco will take it down to smell it when he really misses you.

• He fins your bobby pins all over his dorm. Everytime he finds one he starts laughing because how can one girl have so many bobby pins

• Draco would secretly follow you around to make sure you aren't getting into trouble and being safe

• Every time You cross his mind Draco would twiddle his ring finger. Subconsciously knowing he would marry you

• You and Draco would sit in the Astronomy Tower and watch the rain.

• At the Malfoy Manor, Draco would play the piano, he was REALLY good. You would sit and admire him as he played

• Draco would over-dramatically sigh and pout everytime you were busy

• Hickeys would be Draco's signature move

• Draco would be always cold. Whenever he touched you, you shivered. You would then hug him tight to warm him up.

• Whenever You are studying, Draco would sneak up behind you and slip his hands under your sweater giving a tight hug and plant soft kisses on the nape of your neck

• He would never cheat, one thing his family taught him well was loyalty.

• Sometimes he would just come up behind you and breathe down the back of your neck, teasing you, making you crave his touch.

• Draco hates fighting. He would almost always be the one to apologize first. Unless it's something he's super passionate about.

• Lots of mini kisses everywhere

• He would love pressing his chin into the crown of your head when hugging

• When you're sad, he would sit down and listen to you speak. He is a very good listener.

• When you go out, you would often hold hands. He does not lead you or dominate you. You walk together, side by side, heads held high! He is more than proud of you. He lets you shine.

• He will purposely put on your favorite cologne even if he isn't going out. He knows it drives you crazy.

• He can ALWAYS tell when you're anxious, he will softly whisper into your ear "breathe" Reminding you everything is okay.

• When you're not at Hogwarts, he does most of the cooking, whenever it's not take out. He is pretty good too! Bit of a fitness and health freak but it's cute.

• Every morning he goes on a run, when he gets back he is usually sweaty and takes a shower, he always invites you to join ;)

• On all your birthdays you put all the lates you exchanged and read them to the stars together.

• He keeps a picture of you together in his wallet.

• When you were at the Malfoy Manor, you would steal a bottle of Fire Whiskey from his parents, you would climb to the roof, sit and drink while stargazing and talking about your future together.

• You ALWAYS forget your quill so Draco ALWAYS brought an extra cause he knew you would forget

• You always stole Draco's clothes (shirts, socks, sweaters, jumpers). He hated it at first, but when he saw you wearing his stuff he lit up with happiness, it was like his mark on you, knowing you were his, and only his.

• When having serious conversations you lay on your backs. This way your eyes don't meet. Draco says looking into each others eyes can be persuasive and lead to an unfair argument.

• Lots of deep, intense conversations. Nothing is off limits with him. He likes listening.

• In public he is very stiff, cold, emotionless, and reserved. With you he is very caring and kind but very insecure about himself.

• Draco would hum in your ear whenever you were sad.

• You would always drink morning coffee together, and watch the sun rise.

• Lots of stargazing together.

• You would make photo albums together of your memories.

• The hoodies you stole would be so big it would like an oversized hoodie on you, covering your hands.

• Draco's heart would melt every time he would see you in a messy bun.

• Lot's of gentle cuddles on the Slytherin Common Room couch.

• He would make you cute doodles.

• Lot's of quirky love notes.

• Rainy days spent cuddling and reading to each other.

• Draco would always be ready to have coffee or tea with you.

• Lot's ok coffee shop dates.

• Dancing late into the night.

• Hot chocolate dates.

• Baking cookies together.

• Draco absolutely adores you.

• He would randomly give you flowers.

• He's your soulmate.

• He's your one true love.

• He always calls you "Malfoy's Princess"

• Lots of ice cream dates

• He would call you names like:
• doll face
• love
• darling
• baby
• babe
• princess

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